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Jungkooks pov

I huff a little seeing jimin sat on the couch on his phone.
I cross my arms "hyung? I want to sit and cuddle" he ignores me and Continues on his phone.
I sigh "HYUNG!" he looks at me "yes?" I look at him "I want to cuddle"

He nods "okay" I sit next to him and cuddle up to him and he wraps an arm around me but is still on his phone. I whine a little "Can you put the phone down?" he sighs "I'm working jungkook. You know this"

I hear the door open and I huff and then stand up. I walk to the door and see Jimins eomma, she smiles "hello jungkook" I smile "hello Mrs Park. Lovely to see you again"

She nods "where is my son" I point to the couch "where he usually is..hes working" she sighs "oh hon.. When does he get off his phone" I look down "when he's asleep or when he's eating" she huffs "he doesn't pay attention to you?"

I shrug "sometimes yeah.." she huffs "well now that just won't do" I tilt my head and she smiles "I have an idea of how to get him to notice you again and put his fucking phone down" I tilt my head and she ruffles my hair "I'll be back in an hour"

She rushes out the house and I laugh a little.
I then sigh and walk back to the couch and cuddle up to jimin while he stays on his phone working.

He is always like this so I have no idea how Mrs Park will make him stop being like this and pay more attention to me..

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