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Jimins pov


y eyes widen when jungkook stands there glaring at me "is this all you're with me for?!" I shake my head "of course not! I love you but yes, your body does contribute to that a little but-"

He cuts me off "you are unbelievable!!" he shoves my chest "y'know what jimin? I won't go out! Because I don't have a fucking life!! I stay at home wasting my time trying to get my boyfriends attention! WHO IS ALWAYS ON HIS FUCKING PHONE!"

He storms off to the bedroom and slams the door. I hear my phone ringing but I ignore it.

I glance at the bedroom door "fuck!" I pick up my phone and sit on the couch..

I've fucked up really bad.

Jungkooks pov

I giggle a little climbing out the window. I climb down the tree and pull the bottom of the dress down a little and walk to Lisa's car "let's go" she looks at me "i didn't actually expect you to come out" I sigh "well it's not like jimin will notice I've gone"

She drives to the club and I climb out quickly once the car stops. I look at her "you're paying" she nods "I know" we walk Into the club and straight to V.I.P where jennie, jisoo and Rose are.

Rose gasps "no fucking way!" I sit down next to her "I need alcohol and I need it now" she laughs and nods "indeed" she places a shot in front of me and I take it quickly.

Jennie smiles "I never thought I'd see Jeon jungkook in a club" I sigh "it's not like jimin will realise I'm gone. As long as I get back before he finally realises then I'll be fine....so I'll be fine for the night"

I lean my head on the table "I just want him to notice me once...pay some attention to me.. But NO he's more focused on his fucking phone and work!"
Rose shrugs "if I were you kook. I wouldn't stay with him"

I sit up "you wouldn't?" all of them shake their heads. I look down at the bracelet jimin got for me a few weeks after we started dating.
I bite my lip..

Maybe they're right...

3 hours later

I laugh leaning against jisoo and smile a little "beep beep I'm a sheep!" I Burst out laughing and I grab jennies glass and down the rest of the drink "meow meow I'm a cow!" I laugh more and then gasp when I fall off the chair and onto the floor.

Lisa gasps "kook you are so drunk" I shake my head "I am not... Drunk"
I stand up and giggle a little

"hey pretty boy~"

I turn around and see a man stood behind me. I smile and wave "I very pretty..." he smirks and steps towards me "indeed you are~" I see all the girls standing up but all quickly sit back down "oh no.."

I start to dance to the music giggling a little. Jisoo gulps "uh kook.... You might wanna run" I ignore her and continue to dance to the music "Im a dancer!!" I climb up onto the table and continue to dance.

I scream when someone grabs my waist and pulls me off the table
"what the fuck jungkook?!" I look at them and giggle "aishhh you're Park ji...jimin! Big big dick" I spread my arms open "thiiiiissss big!"

The girls laugh and I giggle "I need more apple juice" jimin grabs my hands "that's vodka and you are not having anymore. We are going home" I giggle when he lifts me up over his shoulder

I smile "senpai noticed meeeeeeee~" the girls laugh and I slowly start to close my eyes as he carries me.

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