Jiang Fengmian's epiphany

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Jiang Fengmian realised he had some apologising to do, to everyone in his family, but especially to his wife and son. He started with the latest misunderstanding. "A-Cheng, even though I don't understand you all that well, I never meant for you to think that I don't care for you. You are the sect heir, I brought up the motto because no matter how well A-Ying understands, I needed you to understand. I correct you because you are mine, don't you know? Whatever fights your mother and I have, how could I forget who my son is?" He stroked Jiang Cheng's head tenderly.

He had a lot to make up for. Because though he had never forgotten, he'd always seen him more as his mother's son... he'd always wished his son was different... always tried to change him.

He'd also disapproved of his wife constantly pitting A-Cheng against A-Ying because he thought that his son just couldn't compare so what was the use of trying to make him be better than a natural genius? He'd been so caught up in what his wife was doing wrong that he hadn't realised that he was doing the same thing. He was always subconsciously comparing the two and finding his son lacking. Was it any wonder his wife kept making A-Cheng try to be better than A-Ying when it was he himself who set the standard that to get his approval A-Cheng would need to be more like A-Ying?

It was all his fault. If he hadn't made his wife and son think that he would replace A-Cheng with one more suited to be a Jiang then would there even be so much conflict? He'd thought it was obvious that Jiang Cheng was the indisputable heir whatever his feelings about him, and that his wife was being ridiculous. But his distaste for his wife had bled onto their son and left both of them feeling like they didn't belong. Like they were replaceable. He owed A-Ying an apology as well because he knew his wife took out her frustrations about the situation on the boy and it was mostly his fault (not 100% because A-Ying really was quite naughty. His head disciple often lead the younger ones into trouble as well. But he had let the boy be because his carefree nature was hereditary and also very much like the rogue cultivators who founded their sect. He was very fond of A-Ying. But also he was inclined to let the kids be kids while they, the adults, were still there to bear the brunt of the responsibilities.) Regardless, he had to make amends to his family.

"I've been remiss in my duties as a father. What A-Ying did, I praised him for. Not just because he did something impressive, but because he tried his best and succeeded even when it seemed to be an impossible situation and it would have been easy to have given up. I praised him because he embodied our motto, and he deserves to receive recognition for what he did. Even though he tried to give all the credit to Second Young Master Lan and that infernal Wen Chao is claiming it was him instead, at home at least we can show him that we acknowledge his deed," he glanced for a moment at Wei Wuxian to show his sincerity (noting that his hand was still intertwined with Jiang Cheng's). He turned his focus back on his son and admitted what should have been said from the beginning. "But, my son, I'm sorry that I overlooked your efforts. If A-Ying deserves to receive recognition then so do you, and I'm sorry that I did not give you due credit."

Because his son had made a 10 day trip in 7 days, with no sword, no food and no rest. His son had shown up looking like half a ghost himself, and had immediately gone with them to save A-Ying because if he hadn't they might have discovered the boys too late. They couldn't have found them in time without Jiang Cheng. And from what had been said, it was Jiang Cheng who had helped the rest to swim out of the cave. Jiang Cheng had worked together with Wei Wuxian. While one distracted the beast the other helped evacuate all of the other heirs by swimming in the same pool of water as the beast and going down several times to lead each batch of heirs to the hole to escape.

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