Chapter 7

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I panic I look over to the crib to the eighth of the room and speed of their to see Carson sleeping comfortable in the crib I know exactly who did this I run downstairs the first guy I see "hey saint it's-" I smack him "wtf Caden you let your brother kidnap me and my daughter?" I say folding my arms "well for starters know can tell him what to do expect for

you and Y'all daughter" he said "y'all" extra long as if I care I huff and turn around and cross my arms like a baby I open my eyes and see Carsin in my face "you asshat why did you bring us here?" I stomp yelling "because your both mine literally she came

from me and you are mine amour" he said fixing his watch "how am I yours I belong to no one" he raised his eyebrows and lowers his face to mine "I am the only person that has ever fucked Your pussy let alone cum in and let's not forget pop your cherry so if that doesn't make you mine what does?" I turn away with a horrible attitude to meet Cade horrified face "I'm right here !" He took his yogurt off the counter and stormed off I start making my way to

the room to check on Carson she was awaken just playing with her feet "Good moring beautiful" I say kiss her cheek she starts giggling "your so beautiful"
I whisper in her eye as I rock her "she gets it from you" I turn around to be met with sin chest I look up he just staring into Carson eyes and Carson and just wiggling around "can I hold her" I snap out of my trans and hand her over "I'm not going to drop her go and shower do something"

I wanted to say no but I needed to shower and change my tampon I just noded my head I walked out to the bathroom i passed while coming up here I go in shower and getting ready to change my tampon when I realize I'm not home my tampons aren't with me I got to the bottom of the cabinet nothing medicine cabinet nothing I have no choice but to ask

I wrap the white towel around my body and check the to make sure no one was in the halls I run to the room and see Carson back sleeping and sin came out the closet "she feel back to sleep... are you okay?" He said "no sin not okay you take me from my home and force me to live here so no im not okay

and im bloated as fuck and I want some food and tampons" I say fall out on the bed he just stood there "umm I can get you food and tampons" I sit up "really you would do that for me ?" I ask being dramatic "yes my love I would do anything for you" I stand up about to hug him and I catch a glimpse of the mirror I have a red stain on the towel I sit back down "um carsin please leave ummm now" he looked at me confused then his eyes focused on my legs ..did I have a lot of hair on my legs ???

Then I felt something trickle down my legs oh no
He walked up in front of me my breath hitched  hell "you are a beautiful woman saint I don't deserve you but hell I want you and I have always wanted what I can't have ." He knened down on his knee and held my leg with his hands and brought his face to where I felt the trickle I finally lean up to see my period

blood on my leg "please leave carsin this is so embarrassing I-" I felt his wet touge lick up to my thign I froze "nothing about you is nasty or embarrassing a little blood never hurt anyone" I gag "please get some tampons please" he got up and was about to walk away and my pride got the best of me "sin we are not together you are not going to keep

pressing me like we are we have to move on" he froze he didn't turn around he just froze "saint you can say you gonna Move on but if I catch you talking to a man I will kill him and cook his insides just for talking to you . You have way to much pride to get back with me but you will never be with another man if it isn't me and you know how I am when people touch thing that belong to me" then it trigger a memory that made me fall deeply in love with this psycho

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