C.D/N.M - A Promise Is A Promise.

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Could you do a cameron imagine and there having sex and her brother walks in and her brother is either Nate or Sammy please.

-- (Y/N's POV) --

Cameron slides his hard shaft into me, grunting something about how good I feel. I clench the bedsheets in my hands, arching my back as he hits my spot straight away on the first thrust. "Cam, fuck, right there." I moan, reaching up to wrap my arms around his neck and pull him down to kiss him.

"That feel nice baby?" He whispers against my lips. I nod, panting as he thrusts faster, hitting that certain spot each time.

"Fucking amazing." I reply, tugging at his hair at the back of his head.

The headboard smacks against the wall, our moans over power the sound but so does the creaking door. My eyes open abruptly, so does Cam's. I look to the side behind Cam and see my brother, Nate, standing at the door with a red face, a tense stance and cold raging eyes. "What. The. Actual. Fuck." He snarls, I flush red and reach over to cover myself with the corner of the comforter.

Cameron stops at the new presence in the room and bites his lip, squeezing his eyes closed because he knows what's about to come next. Sammy stumbles in behind, talking to Nate - thinking he is listening - and stops with wide eyes as he sees me and Cam on the bed. Cameron pulls out of me slowly, reaching down beside the bed to collect his boxers and sweats. "Damn, I'll leave you guys to it." Sammy snickers, walking off.

I throw my head back onto the mattress and groan, my naked body covered, covering my flushed red face with my hands. "Y/N, Cam, living room. Now!" Nate booms before slamming the door closed, making a picture fall off the wall with a shudder.

"Why didn't you lock the door?" I hiss angrily at Cam, standing up to dress myself.

"Well since you were ready and raring, I forgot okay? I didn't know they'd be back so soon." He replies, slipping a t-shirt over his head and running a hand through his hair in frustration.

"Idiot." I mutter under my breath, quickly clipping my bra into place.

Whilst waiting for me, Cam begins to pace. "Oh God he's gonna' kill me isn't he? He's gonna' rip my dick off and feed it to some dogs isn't he? Or maybe burn it off. Y/N you can't make me go out there-"

"I'm not fucking playing around! Hurry up!" Nate shouts, banging on the wall. I scramble around to put on my clothes and take a deep breath in and grab Cameron's hand before we walk out together to the living room where Nate is waiting.

I take a seat beside Cam and stare at Nate, hoping for him to acknowledge us or at least start to get this over and done with. "Nate-"

"A year I said, at least a year until you can have sex! You promised a year and you do it after two fucking months? Are you fucking with me right now?" Nate asks Cameron, clenching his fists.


"No Y/N this is between me and Cameron." Nate yells, I flinch but stand up anyway.

"It's not, it's between me and Cam, you have no business in our sex life so just accept that." I argue, Cam pulls me to sit back down.

"Everybody just calm down and stop yelling, Nate I understand I made a promise but did you really expect me to keep it?" Cam holds my hand and I fidget under Nate's hard glare.

"It's not so much the fact that you had sex with my sister, it's the fact that you broke a promise - the only promise we need for my approval to date her. You fucking asshole!" Nate lunges at Cam and grabs him by his t-shirt. "2 fucking months, I could kill you right here, right now if I really want-"

"No, there will be no killings here, Nate put him down and calm the fuck down. I'm 19, not 9. I can do what the fuck I want with my boyfriend, and for the record - Cameron and I have been together for 6 months already, we told you after 4 because we knew how you'd react." I snap, glaring at my idiot of a brother.

He turns to look at me and pushes Cam back down on the couch, turning his body to face me. His tense body relaxes when he looks at me and his eyes soften but I can tell he's still raging mad. "You can tell me everything Y/N, you know that-"

"No Nate, I can't. Say I got pregnant, I couldn't come to you if I were upset, you'd get ma-"

"You're not getting pregnant anytime soon so chill. I'd never be angry with you Y/N, I love you, you're my little sister, but not telling me about you're relationship until 4 months in upsets me that you feel you can't tell me." He sighs, running his hand through his hair.

I look over to Cam and weakly smile. "Cameron can you give us a second?" I ask kindly, he looks between me and my brother before nodding, kissing my cheek, and leaving.

I sit down, gesturing for Nate to sit down beside me. "Nate acting like this isn't good, I want to feel I can come to you for anything and everything, I understand you walked in on us but making Cam promise not to have sex in a year is asking a lot, for the both of us. You can control our relationship whether I'm your sister or not, we're going to do what boyfriends and girlfriends do. I don't think it's fair that you try and control us when nobody inferrers with your relationships, maybe the girl's dad or siblings but they don't act like you. They don't act threatening to the point I'm almost scared-"

"Y/N," he sighs, pulling me into a hug. "I'd never do anything to hurt you physically, I'd never do that, you're my sister-"

"Doesn't matter, screaming and shouting isn't always the way to handle things, especially over something so...normal. Let's face it Nate, I wasn't the type for a nun was I?" I giggle slightly, rubbing his back as we hug.

He pulls away and rests his head in his hands. "I-I'm sorry, I shouldn't have acted like I did, I'm sorry," he sighs. "It's just, I'm your brother, if your boyfriend makes a promise I expect him to keep it, that's important to me, but he broke it and you both lied to me. That hurts Y/N."

"I'm sorry Nate, it was wrong to lie to you but it was wrong of you to make him promise something. We're both even now can we forget about all of this and move on? I'm sorry you walked in on us too, but I've had my fair share of walking in on you." I grimace, remembering the times I walked in on him when we were in high school.

"Fine," he sighs in defeat, I know he doesn't want to. "We'll forget about it but stay here whilst I go speak to that idiot." He says, patting my head like a dog before leaving, I scowl playfully.

-- (Nate's POV) --

I walk into the spare bedroom in mine and Sammy's apartment and see Cameron sitting on the bed nervously. I grab him by his t-shirt and pin him to the wall. I stare into his fear filled eyes and hold in a chuckle.

Just because I agreed to forget doesn't mean I forgive.

"We agreed to forget about this but I'm not, I'm keeping an eye on you and next time we make a promise, respect it and keep it. I don't like you being with my sister but I'm doing this for her, you hurt her and I'll fucking snap your neck. You don't have sex with her in my apartment or when I'm around, you keep your hands to yourself and treat her how you'd want your future daughter to be treated. Got it?" I snarl.

"Y-Yeah I got it, I won't hurt her I promise, I'm seriously gonna keep that." He says, I take a step back and straighten his t-shirt where I crumpled it.

"Good, remember all I said," I warn before walking to the door. "Now I'm going to walk out of this room and Y/N is going to come in and apologise and all that shit so act as if nothing happened. I apologised and we're good." I throw him a smile before walking out and closing the door behind me.

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