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Hello, just to be clear, the "I"s in this dictionary doesn't mean any of James' characters, its my own character I made up, they don't have a pronoun, since me personally is a female but bitch Teresa (no offence Teresa fans) is supposedly the first and only girl. This is my first dictionary, HOPE THIS HELPS ON THE WAY THROUGH YOUR MAZE RUNNER MAZE!!

WARNING! SPOILER OF ALL THE MOVIE AND BOOKS!!! EXAMPLE: CHARACTER DEATH! (I will give you a sign where there is a spoiler! Anyways ENJOY!

-Never Stop Running

Day one Greenie, rise and shine!

We only have three rules here, Greenie. First, never go outside the Glade, unless you are a Runner. Never hurt another Glader. And us shanks have to trust each other. Everyone does their part. No slackers. Good that.

Could you just keep your bloody mouth shut and slim it until Alby's tour. Bore him with the shucking questions. But, however, I will waste my time to tell you about the main jobs and who does them.

Then there's our all so god-like Leader, Alby. He is the person who keeps this shucking maze standing - yes I did say maze, there is a maze surrounding us, no escape, us shanks have been looking for two shucking years and found nothing! Nothing! - Anyways, as I said, Alby's the leader, or first in command, he also sometimes goes into the maze to check things out.

First, there's the second in command, which is Newt, the blond guy with the limp? An accent? Yeah, that's Newt, he's second in command in the Glade, a formal runner. But, don't you bloody dare ask him about his limp, he'll bloody banish ya for sure! Doesn't tell much shanks about his limp, gain his real trust and ya might just get to know. None of us remembers our goddamn mother, so Newt is the closest thing we have to a mother. Since his limp he can't go back out into the maze, now he does a part time job as a track-hoe, basically a gardener.

So greenbean, there are the Runners, the only ones who are allowed to go out into the Maze. They are defined as the strongest, fastest, and best of the , which is, definitely, not you. Runners run the Maze everyday, trying to find a way out. The maps they make are saved in the Map Room, and ya aren't allowed to go there, ya got it? They leave when the doors to the Maze open in the morning, and return right before the doors close. They also have equipment like trainers and watches that are unavailable to the rest of the Gladers. And the Keeper of the Runners, is Minho, Glade's sassiest Glader. Way too sassy for some of our taste.

What am I? I rarely go out to the Maze when the other Runners have a day off, also sometimes I help out in the gardens, but, you can know me as a Med-jack. Med-jacks are the closest thing we have to doctors, we help out with the injured or ill. Med-jacks are specialised Gladers who acted as the equivalent to doctors in the Glade. There are two other Med-jacks in the Glade: Clint, who is the of the Med-jacks, and Jeff, those shanks can mend a deep cut in days! We spend most of our time bandaging up the Slicers.

Slicers feed and raise the livestock such as pigs, hogs, cows, sheeps, chickens, and turkeys, which are all kept in pens in the Blood House area. They also clean, fix fences, and scrape up . They are the ones who slaughter the animals, such as hogs, so they can be prepared by the for eating. The of the Slicers is . If you like blood, you can be a Slicer.

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