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Now Greenie, I think it's time we start learning about our common language! This is our made up slang, we use it every single day. You've heard right? The weird language! Like Shank, and... Oh! Klunk, it's always been my favourite!

Klunk - Means "crap" or "dung"

Shank - Means "friend" or "mate"

Shuck - a swear used to express one's frustration

Slim it - "Shut up" or an unpleasant way to make another Glader be quiet

Greenie/Greenbean - a new member of the Glader family, sent up in the Box by the Creators

Shuck it - Doesn't matter or I don't care

Shuckface - to describe a stupid person

Slinthead - a derogatory term used mostly by others when one makes a mistake that involves repercussions

Jacked - describing a person who is messed up in the head

Deadheads - a forest in the South West end of the Glade with a graveyard

Newbie - a newcomer in the Glade. Can refer to a Greenie, or anyone else relatively new

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