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 An annoying sound of chirping woke him up from his sweet slumber. His head throbbed and he groaned. Who in the hell would leave their cell phone at home!

He lazily roamed about in an empty apartment in search of the annoying source of that chirping sound. The chirping was getting louder as he reached near the kitchen.

His eyes landed on a big thing placed on the small coffee table, covered in lilac silk and purple ribbons. His brows furrowed with confusion. Who would leave this thing here? And why?

He moved the silk a little and gasped when he looked inside it. It was a cage and there was a fluffy little budgie parrot. His eyes twinkled as he removed the lilac silk completely, ignoring a beautiful card attached to the purple ribbons.

"aww hey beauty!"

"aww hey beauty!"

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"chirp chirp"

Jimin giggled as the little thing flapped around the big cage and chirped shrilly "you woke me up and gave me a headache, but you are a cutie"

"chirp chirp chirp"

" I will name you.."

" Chirp...Jin...Chirp..."

Jimin narrowed his big eyes at the tiny pretty parrot. Did that thing said Jin or is he daydreaming? But the parrot spoke once again "jin..tu tu tooo JIn"

"what the hell" he scratched his head. He watched the poor little thing thrash inside the huge cage and chirp. His eyes landed on the pretty card attached to purple ribbons.

JIN was written in beautiful cursive handwriting.

A loud gasp fell out of his mouth "OH NO"

Yoongi's voice echoed his brain like a dark whisper of satan.

"yeah maybe Jin Hyung transform himself"

A dark fragment of imagination fluttered his soft heart, the image of Yoongi evilly transforming jin into a helpless pretty parrot and putting him in a parrot cage shook him to the core.

He shook his head " whoah! Hold yourself Jiminah, that's not Jin Hyung..or it is?" his dilated eyes landed on the calm little birdie who was looking at him. For a split second, maybe, that little birdie made eye contact with him and spoke "JIN"


Jimin shrieked and fell on the floor with a thud, his body shook with realization that it was in fact Jin hyung trapped inside a parrot's frail little body. He was still pretty though.

 He was still pretty though

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