Chapter 1

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It was amazing how trying to do something nice for yourself could go so wrong.

"No, no, no!"

I uselessly blew on the rising flames that were burning my sad excuse of a birthday dinner to a crisp, trying to avoid singing my eyebrows off in the process.

Stepping back, I stilled as an embarrassing idea came to mind in the midst of a crisis. Looking at the flames dancing before me, I couldn't help but give it a try. Narrowing my eyes and my focus on the fire, I tried to manipulate it.

After a moment of intensely staring at the burning pot like a fool, embarrassment flooded my system and I looked away in shame.

It was moments like this that I wished I was a Water or Fire Fundamental. A Water Fundamental could use their control over the water element to manipulate it as dose the fire, while a Fire Fundamental who could control the fire element could just simply the flames out. Even earth or air would have been useful.

But no, I had to be the freak that was nothing.

Grabbing a damp dishcloth from the sink, I began to swat at the blackening pot still on fire.

My heart pounded, the rate increasing with each swat that failed to put out the flames. Out of the corner of my eye, I kept watching the smoke detecter that sat on the water-stained and cracked ceiling of my destitute apartment. I was already worried about making rent at the end of the month given I had to take a day off last week because I was sick, the last thing I needed was to be slapped with a fine for another false alarm because I couldn't cook something as simple as stove top noodles. Having lived in the cheap, yet barely affordable, accommodations for the last six years, I was now more acquainted with the water fundamentals that worked at the fire station than I liked. I wasn't in a hurry to see them again so soon, especially since I still had an outstanding balance.

I hissed out a sharp breath when my fingers hit the edge of the hot pot holding the charred remains of what I considered a rare treat. It was rare that I splurged the extra few dollars for the brand of stovetop noodles that didn't taste like sawdust, but seeing as I didn't turn 27 every year, I had gone against my better judgment and done so anyway.

Sighing dejectedly, I tossed the waste of money into the sink and ran the water to soak the pot. It was going to be an after work arm workout that I wasn't looking forward to, but seeing as it was the only pot I had, I couldn't just put it out of sight and forget about it.

"Elemental Rivers was spotted last night having dinner with the elusive Elemental Whitlock at the Mayer Hotel," said the voice coming from the TV I had set up in the corner of the small space that doubled as my kitchen and living room. Just the mention of Elementals had a shudder running down my spine as old fears and memories crept into my mind. "Rumors have been spreading the Elemental Whitlock's company has made a groundbreaking discovery that could solve the dilemma the dwindling number of Nulls is causing. With his revolutionary breakthrough, Elementals Whitlock could save himself and other elementals from imploding into a void without an Intrinsic bond with a Null-"

I quickly shut the TV off when the words reaching my ears only served to push me into the dark memories trying to pull me under.

I sighed as my racing heart slowly calmed down with each breath I took. I should have known better than to leave the news channel on. All the Fundamentals running the channels cared about were the rich and powerful. Elementals were the riches and the most powerful individuals, so it wasn't surprising that that was who they reported on the most. The elite.

Envy twisted in my chest. Elementals had everything handed to them without lifting a finger. They didn't deserve it. They were just born lucky.

Just like I was born unlucky.

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