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The Fairy Queen was the first of her kind, and while she oversaw the other fairies born after her from the flowers and the fruits of the forest, they were all too young to be her consort. She wanted someone older. Strong. Earthly.

It was a mortal that she chose to fulfil this task.

She had watched them long from afar, and felt it was the fairies' duty to secretly watch over them.

The human she chose was a little unusual – tubby, a little bumbling and no longer in the prime of his youth, but her own youth was a little faded too. He had strong arms and worked hard as a woodsman on the edge of the land of men. His name was Todd. He was often alone, and she charmed him with her elvish beauty, her spritely features, her sweet voice. 

He called her Magtha, from the mortals' word Mægþ, and she took this as her name, as she'd only ever been called "Queen" before.

Once he was besotted, she called to him to leave the land of men and come into the forests of the fairies.

They made a home for him there, and with him she sired an heir, a daughter and princess.

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