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Lily-Wing had long blonde hair tied into a plait that sat across the top of her head from one pointed ear along to the other. She had her mother Magtha's large, slanted eyes, small flat nose and big lips,  but her eyes were the bright blue colour of her mortal father's.

She was named Lily-Wing for she was born on a lily patch and her wings were the first thing that touched the petals. 

Despite being a half-fairy, she appeared just as fae as her mother, and for this, Queen Magtha was delighted, for there could be no question that her daughter was her heir.

As fairies are very nurturing people who naturally adore children, when Lily-Wing was born many came from all around to give gifts and toys for the new baby. 

As the Fairy Queen's child, the princess Lily-Wing was doted on throughout the kingdom, and through her mother's strength and power, the kingdom grew with each new day. It was an evergreen time of bountiful harvests and everflowing wells of fresh water and strong, sweet flowers. 

What the fairies did not know was that this baby would one day change the course of their entire kingdom.

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