Chapter 1 - Shocking News

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She was sitting in her usual seat in the corner of the diner when the door opened and two men walked in. Her heart stopped when she recognized one of them. It had been four years since she had seen him, but she couldn't possibly be mistaken. No one else could look like him, so tall, with that beautiful flowing hair and those eyes that could melt your heart. She watched as they took a booth on the other side of the diner. She wondered if the man with him was his brother, the one he said he wasn't in touch with any more.

Every day she hoped and prayed for the chance to see him again, and every day she told herself that would be a huge mistake. But here he was, and now she had to see him, no matter the consequences. The stakes were too high.

She lingered over her coffee, pretending to read a book until they finished their meal and left. It was dark by this time, and she followed them on foot as they walked two blocks farther downtown. They stopped and leaned against the wall of a building as if they were waiting for someone.

She crossed the street and continued watching them, hidden behind a car. They kept looking around, on edge, obviously waiting for someone to show up, or something to happen. When it did it startled her so much she almost cried out. Another figure joined them, just appearing as if out of thin air. Sam and his brother appeared to be arguing  with the newcomer, and then suddenly, Sam took out something that looked like a dagger and stabbed the man. And that wasn't even the most astonishing part. When the man got stabbed, flashes of light seemed to come out of him. When he fell to the ground, Sam and his companion just turned casually and walked away.

She was very frightened now. What she had just seen was making her have second and third thoughts about seeing Sam. But desperation managed to override her own fear for herself, and she continued to follow them. They walked to the motel behind the diner where she had first seen them, and went into a room. It took her a long time to actually get up enough courage to knock on their door, but she finally did it.

"Well that was a bust," said Dean in irritation. "Goddamn demons, you just can't trust any of them."

This remark made Sam send a significant look towards his brother, but he managed not to say anything. What he did say was, "Do you think maybe he was actually sent by Crowley?"

"Hard to say but I don't think so. I think he was out for himself. But I couldn't take the chance on him running back to Crowley when we wouldn't meet his demands. I'd rather not have Crowley know what we're looking for."

Their conversation was interrupted by a soft knock on the door. They looked at each other and Sam picked up the gun that had been lying on the table, and cocked it. He opened the door just a few inches to see a fairly attractive woman standing there.

"Yes?" he inquired.


"Who wants to know?"

"Sam, we met a few years ago. I'd like to talk to you if I may. It's very important," she said.

Sam looked back over his shoulder to Dean, who shrugged back at him, so he opened the door to allow her to enter. Her eyes immediately went to the gun, and he put it into his belt. "I'm sorry, I don't remember you," he said.

She gave little chuckle and said, "Well, I think I looked a hell of a lot better back then."

Sam took a closer look and slowly began to see her as she might have been in better days. She'd been really pretty then, with bouncy blond hair and laughing blue eyes. Now her hair looked drab, and her eyes held little expression. "Sam held up a finger and wagged it at her. "Molly, right? No wait, not Molly... Polly!"

She smiled wanly and said, "Yes, it's Polly."

"Right, well come on over here and have a seat. This is my brother, Dean," he told her, as he indicated the only other chair at the table. He sat on the edge of the bed and said politely, "So what can I do for you, Polly?"

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