Chapter 6 - Rescue

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Sam and Polly exchanged worried glances and Sam got up and opened the connecting door. He motioned the others to come in and be quiet. Then he went over and sat on the bed near where Samantha was playing.

"Sammi, honey," he said, glancing up at his brother in the doorway. "What do you know about the bad people with black eyes?" Dean returned his glance with narrowed eyes and a touch of fear.

Samantha was playing with a set of zoo animals Sam had gotten her at the zoo. "They want to get me," she said.

Sam wiped his mouth, wondering how the hell to question a three-year-old about demons. "Well Daddy won't let them get you, sweetie, I promise," he said. "But how do you know about the bad people?" he asked, trying to keep his voice light so as not to frighten her.

"I see them," she said, matter-of-factly. "In my head."

Sam was having a very hard time not showing the total terror he was feeling. Dean, however, was showing his, since Samantha had her back to him. He kept looking from Sam to Samantha thinking he couldn't possibly be hearing what he was hearing. Hannah and Cas were looking much the same. Polly took a pen and notebook out of her purse and began keeping notes. She thought doing something constructive might help keep the fear at bay.

"Sweetie," Sam said gently, "How long have you been seeing them?"

"A long time ago," she said. "Like when I saw you."

"Like me?" he asked. "You mean you've seen them as long as you've see me?"

"Uh huh," she said, as she put a lion in it's cage.

"Do you see anyone else?" he asked her.

"Uh huh," she said, trying to put a giraffe in with the lion.

Sam took a deep breath and placed his hands on his forehead, putting them together as if in prayer. "Who else do you see?" he asked her gently.

"Kids," she said. "The other kids the bad people want."

Sam jumped up and spun around, trying desperately not to do or say anything that would frighten her. But he was having a really tough time. He sat back down again. Samantha was putting monkeys in the cage with the ice where penguins should go.

"Sweetie," he said, "how many other kids do you see?"

"One, two, free, four," she said, as she picked up monkeys and put them into a bunch.

"Four," he asked, "like this many?" He pointed to the four monkeys.

"Uh huh," she nodded.

"And how many bad people do you see?"

She shrugged. "I don't know."

"More than this many?" he asked, pointing to the pile of monkeys again.

"Sometimes," she said. "Sometimes Unca Dean is there too, but he's not black anymore."

Oh this was too much. All the adults were passing around glances to each other with every new thing she said. Sam mouthed the word 'Crowley picture' to his brother and indicated his phone. Dean took out his phone and leafed through pictures until he found one of Crowley and gave it to Sam, who showed it to Samantha. "Is this one of the bad people," he asked. She looked at it and said "Uh huh, he's the one with the dirty face."

"Okay Sweetie, thank you. You play for a while. Daddy has to go in the other room and talk, okay?"

"Okay," she said cheerfully.

They all went through the door and Polly closed it most of the way, standing by it to keep an eye on her daughter, as they had a whispered conversation.

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