Chapter 3 - How Do You Spell Love?

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Outside the window Sam cried out in surprise. Without a thought he flew to the door, opened it and ran into the room. He stopped about halfway toward Samantha, realizing what he had just done. Samantha turned to see who had entered and she let out a shriek. She jumped up and ran to Sam, wrapping her arms around his legs. "You did it," she cried. "You brought me my daddy!"

Sam swept her up in in his arms, tears streaming down his face. "Oh my god!" he kept saying over and over, holding her close. Samantha had her arms around his neck, clinging to him tightly. "Daddy you came," she said happily. She turned her head to look at Cas. "You did it, you did it, you brought me my daddy. You're the best angel in the whole wide world!"

Polly was also crying, her hand to her mouth in total shock. Samantha had never deliberately given affection to anyone before. And she had no idea how her child knew that Sam was her father. This whole day had been crazy and this was just another unbelievable thing to add to the list.

Cas watched the tableau with great interest. He was sure now that his supposition was correct, that Samantha had her mother's half of her soul, and that the soul itself recognized its other half and was drawn to it, had been yearning for it.

The door opened and Dean and Hannah came in to join the others. Dean's face was tear-streaked as well, as he watched his brother holding Samantha and sobbing shamelessly. "Why are you crying, Daddy," Samantha asked.

Sam couldn't get the words out so Cas came to the rescue. "He's crying because he's happy," he told her. "He's really, really happy that he found you."

Hannah was taking in everything that was happening, understanding, perhaps for the first time, what Cas had been trying to tell her about humans. She found herself really hoping that they would be able to find a way to complete the little girl's soul. It was obvious to her that both halves of the soul were reaching out, trying to merge. There had to be some way to accomplish it. She was experiencing something inside her for the first time. Emotions, she thought. She was feeling emotions. She felt something wet on her cheek and reached up to wipe it away. She was crying, she realized. Crying for the first time ever.

No one knew quite what to do or say. Polly could do nothing but stare at Sam and her daughter. Dean as well was feeling emotions too strong to take in. Emotions so strong they were making him uncomfortable. But no one wanted to interrupt the amazing miracle happening right before their eyes.

Eventually Sam took a series of deep breaths and got himself somewhat under control. "Samantha," he asked her, "how did you know who I was."

"I always knew who you were. I see you in my head."

This made all the adults in the room pass glances to each other. How could this be? So much was going on here that none of them really understood. Everyone knew they needed to get away to discuss all of this, but Samantha was still holding on to Sam and didn't look like she was going to let go anytime soon.

"We need to talk," Cas said quietly.

Sam nodded and said, "Samantha, can I put you down for a little while so I can talk to the angel?"

Samantha looked over to Cas. "You can talk to him while you hold me," she said, which brought amused smiles to everyone.

Cas turned to Polly and asked if there was anyplace they could all go to have a private conversation.

"There's a lounge, down the hall," she said. "Let me go let the staff know we're taking Samantha out of the room." Polly was gone for just a few minutes and then indicated they all should follow. The visitor's room was unoccupied at the moment, and they all took seats, with Sam holding his daughter on his lap. She laid her head on his shoulder and seemed very content.

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