Chapter 8 - Sweet and Scary

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The boys had called Polly on the way home, and by the time they got there she had rooms ready for the new kids, as well as a playroom for all of them. "We are going to need some toys and activities for them to keep them occupied," she said.

"Great idea," said Dean, as he reached into his wallet and handed her a credit card. "Get whatever you think they will need. Probably a computer and those iPod things?"

She took the card and glanced at it. "Ambrose Nickerson?" She said curiously.

"Yeah, it's mine, it's good, get whatever you think they'll need. Clothes probably too." He handed her the keys to the Impala. "Don't mess her up," he admonished.

The boys went to the kitchen to grab some beer and sandwiches. "When did we become a goddamn day care?" Dean asked.

"You say that, Dean, but you don't sound like you're really all that upset about it."

"Strangely enough, I'm not. But you have to admit, this is a new kind of crazy."

Sam chuckled. "Yeah," he said pensively. "Yeah, it is."

"Okay, so what do we do now? There are bound to be more kids out there. We can't keep them all here, can we? I mean sooner or later it will be too much for Polly to handle. We need to figure out how we can protect them all out there in the real world."

"Yeah, any ideas on that?"

"Not a one," Dean answered, as he chewed his sandwich. "You're supposed to be the brains of this outfit, what do you think we should do?"

"Well, first, it might help if we can figure out why Crowley wants them. I mean there have been people with psychic abilities before. So why these kids? What's special about them?"

"Okay, makes sense."

"And then, as you say, we need a way to protect them out there."

"What about getting Cas to mark them like he did us, so they can't be seen?" Dean suggested.

Maybe," mused Sam, "if he has the juice for that. But while that might help, it doesn't mean Crowley won't still find them on his own. What we need to do is somehow make them unusable to him."

"Which leads us back to why he wants them in the first place," Dean said.

"Well maybe we should start by talking to the two new kids. They might have more answers than a three year old."

Dean chuckled, as he raised the bottle of beer for a drink. "Yeah, probably, but that little one of yours was pretty good too."

Sam smiled at this, and the wonder of having a little girl of his own hit him once again. "We have to solve this, Dean, we just have to."

"We will, Little Brother, we will. Listen, you talk to the kids, I'm gonna see if I can't scare up some info on Crowley's intentions. I still have a few connections from my dark days. Might as well make use of them."

"Polly has the car," Sam reminded him.

"Oh, yeah, right, Well, I'll go when she gets back then. Meanwhile, let's go talk to those kids."

They found them all the room that Polly had designated as the playroom. Jimmy was reading a novel that he had brought with him and Audrey was sitting on the floor talking with Sammi and playing zoo with her. "Kids," Sam said, "Can we have a talk?"

They all stopped what they were doing and paid attention. "Sure," Jimmy said.

The boys took a seat on the floor, and Jimmy joined them. "We need to ask you some questions. We need to know why the demons are looking for all of you" Sam said. "Jimmy, why don't you start by telling us what all your psychic abilities are."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 24, 2015 ⏰

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