Chapter 4: Peace Treaty

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Dani's POV:

I was thinking about how to improve my relationship with the boys without completely ruining my life, and I think I have a couple ideas. The only problem is that Evelyn and Brooklyn might find out. They can't really complain about some of the ideas, but one of them is definitely risky. I might have to wait a bit on that one, but I think my plans can achieve peace.

The first part is a simple act of kindness, but they'll have to work out some sort of peace treaty for the rest. But isn't my friendship better than having no allies? I think it's wiser for them to agree to my proposal.

The first step is the mall. This trip is partly for my benefit. The bookstore is my first, more familiar stop. I've loved coming here ever since I was a tiny toddler, barely able to struggle through The Cat in the Hat. I made a list of my top priorities of which books I need to replace, even though there are so many more that I love and lost.

"Dani," greets the bookstore owner, Luke. "Didn't you just make a recent trip here?"

"Yeah," I sigh. "But something happened, and now I need to replace my books."

Luke's eyes narrow with a mix of suspicion and concern. "You mind telling me?"

"Sorry, but I don't feel comfortable sharing."

He sighs. "Well, you're trustworthy, and I know you wouldn't make this up. So you get the books free." My eyes widen, and Luke laughs, his usual, easy smile returning. "I have a rule that if a customer genuinely had a ruined order, I will replace it free of cost. Of course, you're not allowed to tell anyone, because word will get around and that would be bad."

"Of course I won't tell!" I hand him my list of books to replace, and he disappears into the storage room. Moments later, he returns with his arms full of heaping piles of books. "Luke!" I protest. "I didn't ask for that many!"

"These are all the books you've bought in the past month," he explains. "Sort through them; any you don't want, give back to me. I thought I'd save you a few trips back and forth. Not that I don't like seeing you."

I don't even need to return any books. Luke knew exactly what I wanted that I didn't mention on the list. In some ways, the bookstore owner who knows nothing about my life knows me better than people who know everything in my life.

"Thank you so much!" I say, hugging him. "This is so amazing! How can I repay you?"

"Believe me," Luke says. "It was my pleasure. You looked pretty sad coming in here. Like something really bad is happening in your life. Now you seem happier."

I smile at him. "Well, still. This is a huge gift, and I don't intend to pay you back, even if it's just a little bit. If you ever need something, let me know. Please."

Luke sighs, but he wouldn't say no to me. Even though he's a middle-aged man, he's one of my best friends. He's been working at the bookstore since he was an awkward intern and I was barely out of my mother's arms. Now I recently became a legal adult and he's the owner of the little store. We've come a long way together, and I have a feeling we'll go farther together.

The next stop is for food. This is more of an in-and-out visit, but it's the real reason I came. I know exactly what to buy: for all of their numerous faults, Evelyn and Brooklyn taught me well. The meals end up being fairly expensive--after all, I'm buying for a very hungry crowd--but it's worth the outcome.

When I reach the house, I'm relieved to see that even with the extra time talking to Luke that I hadn't accounted for, Evelyn and Brooklyn still aren't home. I grab my purchases and go down to the basement. The boys, for some reason, must not have noticed me coming, because they take a while to look up at me. Niall is practicing some sort of magic trick with a deck of cards while Harry and Zayn are listening to music. Wait...are those my song recordings? Why would they be listening to those?

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