Chapter 7: Music

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Niall's POV:

Dani is so amazing. I feel like the most cliche guy in the world saying so, but it's really true. She's beautiful, smart, funny, talented, and kind, but not too perfect. She's been temperamental, sarcastic, and tearful. I don't want to be around a girl who is perfect: it makes me feel like I'm hanging out with someone too good for me. But Dani...she's got her flaws. And I like that.

And right now, I realize, she's unhappy. Only seconds ago, she was smiling and laughing, but now her face shows incredible sadness. So busy daydreaming about my crush that I don't even pay attention to her in real life...what kind of a guy am I? All of my amazing inspirational quotes are pretty cool, but I'm actually not that wise and caring in real life, apparently.

"What is it?" I gently ask, bumping her shoulder lightly as I walk over to her.

"What? Nothing. I'm great!" she replies. She shakes her head as if to get thoughts out of her mind, and as if by magic, the smile returns to her face.

"Good," I say, totally unconvinced. I know something was wrong, but I'm just going to have to let it go. Good thing Harry can't read my mind, or he'd be off singing right now. Sometimes he does a duet with Lux, which annoys the heck out of everyone else. Yeah, they like Frozen. We get it. Stop singing.

Dani hesitantly presses a sweet kiss to my cheek, leaving tingles where her mouth met my skin. "I...I'll be right back," she shyly whispers.

I watch her leave with an amused, slightly soppy expression. Harry and Zayn are too busy building pillow cannons out of who-knows-what, or they would be making fun of me right now. I wonder what Dani's up to. It's totally obvious that she has something planned, I just don't know what.

Only minutes later, she comes back down, holding in one hand a spiral black notebook with stickers bearing names of bands: One Direction (yeah, it did get to my head a bit), 5 Seconds of Summer, My Chemical Romance, *NSYNC, Nirvana, Rolling Stones, the Beatles, Panic! At The Disco, and other older pop and rock bands. She has amazing taste in music. I already know I would love to have a silly karaoke session with her. Okay, I need to chill. In her other hand, she holds something larger and heavier behind her back.

"This is my songbook," she explains, handing it to me. "I wrote a couple lines in there, and since you're...well, an amazing songwriter, I thought you could give me some feedback."

I nod and eagerly flip to the first page.

He sees them talking with a big smile, but they haven't got a clue. Yeah, they're living the good life, can't see what he's going through. They're driving fast cars, but they don't know where they're going. In the fast lane, living life without knowing. And he says, "I wish that I could be like the cool kids."

These lyrics are not only amazing quality, but I really can hear Dani speaking through them. With sisters like the awful ones she has, of course her life would be sad. And at school every day, she was probably forced to see people with the easy life, and watch their oblivious, blissful lives with envy. The lyrics continue along these lines, expressing the insecurities of less happy kids in comparison to the lives of the "cool kids." I turn to the next song.

All the hurt, all the lies, all the tears that they cry, when the moment is just right, you'll see fire in their eyes. 'Cause he's stronger than you know; a heart of steel starts to grow. When you've been fighting for it all your life, you've been struggling to make things right, that's how a superhero learns to fly. Every day, every hour, turn the pain into power.

Her lyrics are so amazing. It's not the stupid breakup songs you hear on the radio (sorry, Taylor) that the brats love, but instead the songs that speak to the lesser-known, sadder people. The people whose happiness can rely on music.

I try reading one more song.

I can fake a smile. I can force a laugh. I can dance and play the part if that's what you ask. Give you all I am. (I can do it x3) But I'm only human and I bleed when I fall down. I'm only human, and I crash and I break down.

The change between the first two songs and the last is larger than a monster truck slamming into me. One moment she was speaking to people about fighting insecurities; the next it's as if she is pouring her blood, tears, and pain into the music, rather than speaking from her experiences, she is using her experiences. It would be a hit, I don't doubt that, it just fills me with sadness that she's been hurt enough to write such sad music.

"I also bought you this," she says, holding out a guitar. Whoa, that's almost as nice as mine. Where did she get the money? "I know how to read and write music, and I know you miss playing guitar, so I thought you could maybe teach me?"


"Aw, Harry, they're playing guitar together!" squeals Zayn.

Dani's POV:

After throwing a pillow at a smugly grinning Zayn and approximately five hours of barely successful lessons, I have the basic idea of how to play the guitar. A bit fast, I guess, but I have previous knowledge of music and learn quickly.

Now, Niall's attempting to play the song I wrote called "Cool Kids" so he can teach me. He chose to do this by himself. As sweet as any Directioners think he is, he's that much sweeter. I have no idea why he's so unpopular among the fans.

"That sounds fantastic!" I excitedly tell him. "Exactly like what I imagined! Thanks! Can I try?"

Niall hands me the guitar and I bend over the music. My fingers strum almost of their own will, and Niall shoots me an approving nod. Yes, it does sound right. I'm going to try singing, just to make sure. The lyrics are written in a random order, but I easily decipher them.

"She sees them walking in a straight line, that's not really her style. And they all got the same heartbeat, but hers is falling behind. Nothing in this world could ever bring them down. Yeah, they're invincible and she's just in the background. And she says, 'I wish that I could be like the cool kids, 'cause all the cool kids, they seem to fit in—'"

I'm broken off by a round of applause from all three of the boys, this time genuine.

"You have an...amazing voice." Zayn comments shyly. Harry and Niall each nod in agreement.

"Yeah, Dani, that was fantastic!" Niall tells me.

Please tell me this is real. My musical idols are genuinely complimenting my voice! I'm not even musically trained and they're impressed? This is literally a dream come true.

Without even verbally thanking the boys who I've loved for years, I stand up and launch myself toward them, hugging them tightly. And they return the hug.

The four of us stand in a giant group hug before we're interrupted by quiet footsteps.

A/N: Tina's friend, you no longer have to shoot me. I wrote about 800 words after you threatened me and finished just now. So, you're welcome.

If you're the people asking me to update, I love that you love my writing, but I'm really busy and publish the moment I have a completed chapter. I honestly thought I'd be available this past week because I had a week off from school, but I was still busy. I have a final math project due tomorrow, I was at the National Spelling Bee cheering on my brother, interviewing spellers and adults for my first ever real article, and attended several meals/bees and even a party as a result. Not to mention that I have other stories on my other account that need to be update, and this whole time I'm trying to just relax. So, sorry for not updating daily. I love writing this and am trying my best. And I'm leaving in the summer for four weeks (probably won't have wifi, and even if I do, I'll only be free an hour a day, and I'll probably be either sleeping, reading, or writing letters home), and once school starts again about a month after I get back, I'll be busy with my own spelling (I'm going for Nationals, which takes a lot of work), a newly enormous amount of homework, and trying to make new friends since I pretty much have two friends at school, one who's moving. But you have my word—writer's honor—that I'm going to do my best. ~Shay

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 04, 2015 ⏰

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