Chapter 3

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•*No POV*•
A day passes, Revali and Link, have learned more about each other and became even closer.
•Link's POV•
Talking to Revali is fun I don't think I've had a friend like him since Mipha had to move...
'Hey Link are you okay you trailed off' Revali said tilting his head. "Oh I'm sorry I didn't mean to.." It's almost as if Revali could sense something was upsetting me because he leaned over hugging me, I was kind of surprised the hug felt so comforting and calm.
•A few moments later*
*Revali's POV*
He pulled away from the hug and I gave him a reassuring smile. After a few years of observing other people's expressions, when they are feeling certain ways makes this very easy to read others expressions even Links. 'Thank you for the hug it made me feel better' Link gave a small smile I returned the smile. 'Hey Link?'
'Hm?' Link looked at me kind of puzzled 'Are we friends, I don't wanna assume because of things that happened in the past-' 'Of course if you're okay with it' Link smile at me So as usual I returned the smile. 'Wanna go on an adventure with me?'
•Link's POV•
'Wanna go on an adventure with me' as the words come out of my mouth I instantly thought about my old friend Mipha, we went on adventures a lot of the time. 'Of course I will' Revali replied.
The two boys set of on a short adventure through the forest little did they know something would over come their path...

I hope this was a satisfactory chapter it's relatively longer my arms definitely hurt but it was worth it in my opinion also thank you for the idea in the next chapter the second half of the idea will be used!
Have a Happy!

I hope this was a satisfactory chapter it's relatively longer my arms definitely hurt but it was worth it in my opinion also thank you for the idea in the next chapter the second half of the idea will be used!Have a Happy!

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Also Srry for not editing in a while
A little picture I found cause why not (:

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