What Winning really is

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Hey Fellow reader! It's another game! Each week you improve.   think about the effort y'all put in every single week. I want you to read this and let it sink in : 

"You're the only one who knows, in your hearts, if you are REALLY giving it all you have. You are the only who knows what you are capable of, and the only one who can elevate your effort relative to your own standard"

You improve with every practice and every single game, and you should be so proud of yourself. Each week you win. Winning doesn't always u had the highest score in a game, or being first. Winning means your doing better than you've done before. I know y'all are going to do amazing tonight. Walk onto that field, gym, or wherever your activity is,  knowing tonight and take all your hurt, pain, joy, passion, all of it, and leave it in the field! Make your team, friends, family, etc.  proud. Best of luck.

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