All or nothing

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what's the point of baking a cake but don't eat it? What's the point in looking at the water if you're not going to get wet? What's the point of a road trip if you stop halfway there?

 You have donenothing but waste your time. 

 that's how it is playing a team sport. Ifyou don't put in everything you have, then what's the point in playing thegame? 

If  you are going to stop trying halfway through the game then why evenstart the game? You are doing nothing but wasting your time and energy, notonly that, but you are failing your team. 

If your team has put in the effort,is it fair for them to pay the price because you simply don't feel like givingit a 110%.

 Don't waste your time with something you're not passionate about. Don'tstop halfway to your destination. You either go all the way, or not at all.

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