I Dare You

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Hey reader! Being trapped in your mind is like being put in a cage, locked in a room, and the key being thrown away. While you are in your mind, you are thinking how afraid you are. How you break under the slightest pressure. How you have an opinion but always keep it to yourself. How you don't argue with others, even when you know you're right, and questioning your purpose.

Being in this mindset is never healthy. You have to figure out a way to escape the cage, break out of the room, and free yourself from your mind. How do you do this? You challenge yourself.

Stop thinking about how afraid you are because you are here facing your fears.

Stop thinking about others' opinions, because what does it matter what they think.

Vocalize your mind, let others know what you think, you have a voice, let it be heard!

Don't shut up when others say you wrong, prove to them why you are right.

Stop questioning your purpose, there's a reason you are here.

Look danger in the face and say, "I may lose the battle, but I will win the war"

Stand up straight, and have your head held high because you know exactly who you are. You are the one and only you, and no one can be a better version of you. You are worth fighting for.

Challenge yourself. Challenge yourself to break out of the cage, out of the locked room, and out of your mind. When other's say you can't, you look them dead in the eyes and say, 

"Just watch me. I dare you"

Don't let people's words or actions describe you. Prove to them that you are more than what they say. Prove to them you will go the distance. Prove to them you are a fighter. Prove to them you are daring. Prove to them that they are wrong about you. But don't just do it to prove others, prove it to yourself. I dare you.

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