A horrible breakup..

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A/n: once again, six months later, we meet again reader... why tf you here?? anyways..

It was me and Chase's six month aniversery. We were cuddling in bed, his strong arms wrapped around me. An hour passed, and he went to go get water. (did you know that water makes up 70% of your body? just a little science fact hehe!)  I went to go get water a little after he left because it was so thristy i could drink shit water. i walked downstairs, each step i took the louder the sound of regardfulness gotten. The last step took me to a scene of charli demilo (not my queen anymore because i love love loveee the sunraes hehe) and my hubby lil hubby hubby woo woo bear KISSING!! I roared in tears "HOW COULD YOU AFTER ALL THIS TIME??" my tears could fill a whole river. Chase looked at me with a regretful emotion smeared on his face, as charli ran to her room upstairs. with tears running down my face, i ran out of house while chase was yelling at me saying "WAIT!" I ran to the nearby park called big ass cheeks road and cried on a swing. i was crying so hard that the whole neighborhood could probably hear me, like i care anyway because im richer and prettier than them anyways and they would die for my attention hehe. While i was crying i heard foot steps coming behind me. My felt arms wrap around my neck and a load of my shoulders. I soon felt a sense of calmness as I heard the fingure say "hey bbg welcome home bbg yes yes." i did not regones the voice so i turned behind me and i saw that it was elon musk!!  

Soon the arms wrapped around me tighten, until i could not breathe. I fell into a deep sleep. i woke up to yelling and loud sounds. I opened my eyes slowly, to see my best noah neck body slamming elon musk! Elon musk passed out and noah neck came up to me and picked me up bridal style all the way back to the hype house. Once we got back, he set me up on the kitchen counter and cleaned my bruises and cuts with bandaids and a washcloth. I could feel his jacked arms. (ooo so sexy) He finished cleaning me up and brang me up bridal style again all the way up to his room. While we were passing by charli and my ex hubbies room, they were cuddling. I imdelidlly started balling my eyes out. Noah beck heard me and quickly brang me up to his room and asked me what was wrong. (ooo so sexy) I told hi the whole story and he feel into shock. He comferted me by cuffing my face with his big soft hands and pulled me into a big nice soft smooch heheheheheheheheheheheehehhehehehehehehehehehhehehehehehhehehehe. He then confessed to me that he liked me for for long, ever since me and lil hubby got together. I cant lie that i liked him back like big he was so sexy. We both confessed that we liked eachother.

Fast forward to their first date:

I put on a red tight long dres with 24 carrot jewerly. Noah neck was wearing a suit. He took me to kfc to get a bucket of chicken. It was amazing, the chicken was so tender and juicey. I wanteds to eat more and more chicken. By the end of the night I gained 50 pounds and i was about to burst out of my dress. We finally crossed the road and got hit by a car. Noah neck died but because I was so fat and cusiony I lived, but a very licey life. I moarned the death of noah neck but then my sadness revived him. Right after he got revived brimstone tamoiled him and he died again and brimestone got an ace. I died also. the end. 

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