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Name: Goliath

Age: adult (60, but she does not age the same  way humans do)

Gender: female

Species: meta supersolider

Preference: ace/aro

Appearance: 9'6

Appearance: 9'6

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Augments: her character design gets a little complex because she changes over time

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Augments: her character design gets a little complex because she changes over time

Stage 1- basic, no spines, no wings, and just one tail

Stage 2- spines and can split her tail into 3

Stage 3- all of the above plus gets implants in her back that allow four wing attachments (the two inner wings are eagle like and the two outer are dragon like)

Stage 3- all of the above plus gets implants in her back that allow four wing attachments (the two inner wings are eagle like and the two outer are dragon like)

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- positive traits: confidant, protective, level headed, practical, (secretly playful, gentle, and a very good listener)

- negative traits: head strong, aggressive, dismissive of those she doesn't respect

- neutral traits: tactical/analytical, dominant

Powers: insane strength, enhanced senses, durability and healing, sonic blasts (very powerful very uncontrolled most of the time) from her mouth or palms

Likes: her unit, mud puddles, the rain, rock music, swimming, flying, bacon, staying up late and sleeping late

Dislikes: micromanaging, too much structure, arrogant individuals, anyone hurting her unit


She was originally a human, piloting fighter jets for a faction, then a crash nearly killed her. A scientific faction took her and injected a very unstable substance into her inducing a very dangerous metamorphosis. She became Goliath, and once she survived the change she killed many of them and escaped. She spent the next several years of her life (10-15) running wild and getting a grip on her new body.  

She was jumped by a being who dealt in other creatures and was sold to a gladiatorial arena. There she became a powerful fighter, and she gained her mechanical tail after the first one was cut off in battle. She spent 13 years there before escaping. She was chased by the law for 5 afterwards before being recaptured, but she was sent to prison instead of the arena, she spent almost a year there before a faction came to her with a deal for release if she worked for them. She took it and went to work for them, though she soon realized how little freedom she had. 

She was assigned to a team of 4 others, who she became very close to (this went for about 16 years or so). They became a very useful group in the faction before they were assigned a mission they couldn’t handle. The others were killed, Goliath’s lower jaw was ripped off and she was left for dead, but the faction found her and brought her back to the base and fixed her (where she gained her mechanical lower jaw) 

She was depressed, she couldn’t handle it in a healthy way though because of her situation, so instead she started working on herself. She got blades implanted in her back and began to use a power she had always resented and resisted. She was capable of leveling an entire enemy base on her own. She was reckless with her life and nearly lost it several times. She went for about a year before it all finally passed, she started to let some of her friends back in again, like Silver, Nova, and Titan, they helped her get her head back and she got sort of back to normal.

However she pulled another stunt 8 years later that landed her in trouble. The higher ups decided she needed something to keep her busy so they assigned her as leader over a group known as crash unit. She initially resented this and decided just to bare it until she got reassigned. However as she started to get to know them she realized they were going through things she had, and she started to hurt for them, that’s when she started to take things seriously. She started to train them in ways the instructors didn’t have time for, learning each of their skills and helping them perfect their fighting styles. 

When the time came and she was reassigned, she knew she was supposed to be happy, right? They had a leader who was near human, he could teach them better.. right?      

The kids in her unit had a reputation for being difficult and the new trainer was rough, and downright mean. Goliath saw and stepped in immietaly, and it was then she was sure, she couldn’t be reassigned. 

She stayed and officially became the leader of their unit. Teaching them, and eventually helping them escape the faction.


- has a tfp counterpart

- the substance they injected to turn her was actually the remnants of a dead angel

- highly skilled in hand to hand combat

- a really good mom

Bonus: picture of what she looked like as a human

Bonus: picture of what she looked like as a human

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It's half my art and half not, idk

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