Together (Part 7)

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After sitting there for a little bit, Grillby speaks first.

"This is kinda strange, isn't it (Y/N)?"

"What do you mean?"

"Well, we've know eachother for less then two days. Yet we're sitting here right up against eachother like we've known eachother for years. I mean, I don't even know your favorite color."

You pause for a moment before replying

"(F/C). What's yours?"

He smiles.

"Blue. It's such a beautiful color."

He mumbles something under his breath that you can't hear.

"I agree with that. So, what's your favorite food?"

"Oh, 100% Mochi. That stuff is amazing."


"Mochi is a Japanese rice cake made of mochigome. It usually has a filling of some kind. It's really good. I usually makes some during special times of the year like Christmas or Valentines day."

"That sounds amazing! Next time you make a batch or two you should leave some aside for me to try."

He chuckles.

"Of course! Everyone deserves to try Mochi atleast once in their life."

You try to imagine what it tastes like. You can't wait until he makes some.

"Now, ask me a question."

"Hmm.. What's your favorite food?"

"(F/F) hands down. Though it might change to Mochi one day~"

"That's my goal."

You guys continue to ask eachother questions to get to know eachother better. After a while you have to go to the bathroom. When you start coming back you hear Grillby talking to someone. You decide to stay around the corner so he didn't see you.

"Liam, I told you not to call me anymore."

You you can hear his flames sizzling.

"You are hilarious. The answer is no. I'd never get back with you in a million years. Not after what you did."

You can hear the anger in his voice
Suddenly he laughs.

"Accident? Did you just say that was an accident?! I didn't seem like an accident when you were bragging about it to your friends!"

You hear something else. Is he... Crying?

"Like I said, I want nothing to do with you. Besides, I've moved on. I have my eye on someone else. Now, goodbye."

You hear him mumbling. You wait a few moments before you walk into the room. You see him sitting on the couch with his phone on the side table. It's clear he's been crying. You walk over and sit down next to him.

You feel him jump when you sit down. He turns his head in your direction. When he notices its you he calms down.

"(Y/N), when did you get back from the bathroom?"

"Just now."

You lie. You don't want him to know you eavesdropped on his phone call.


"Are you alright Grillby, you've been crying."

He sighs.

"It's my Ex. He called me and said he wanted me back. He's done so much to me (Y/N).. I hate him so much but, he also scares me."

~It Started With A Small Fire~ Grillby X Pyromaniac!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now