Chapter 3

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family dinner
word count: 3522


Emma was entirely nervous for this dinner. She was trying to consider every narrative that was possible, which was only overwhelming her even more. She knew this could be an evil scheme by the queen, but every other suitor that was at her birthday ball was going to want to actually be together and have children. That was something Emma wasn't prepared for, even if she was eighteen now she wanted time to live her life before children, and the queen was willing to give her that time.

She wasn't going to let the queen hurt her or her kingdom. If her parents were right, and this was just a trick, then Emma would be ready for it. In her private time she had been receiving magic lessons from one of her good friends Tink. The number one rule is that light magic is stronger than dark and since she's had lessons for a few years now she felt prepared for whatever the queen might throw at her.

She looked at herself in the mirror as her personal maids dressed her. A corset wrapped tight around her waist as a beautiful yellow and white dress flowed around her figure. As the maids did her hair she continued pondering on the queen because just as much as this could be a trap, it could also be a gift.

No one seemed to entertain the fact that maybe the queen could change. That she wasn't as vile and cruel as the world made her seem. Yes, she did all of those terrible things to her parents, but that was eighteen years ago. Who's to say the queen didn't find something worth changing for?

The thought of that was what made Emma want to try the most. If she could help redeem the queen, maybe she was the savior she was born to be, and not just a silly little princess that everyone saw her as.

"Princess, we are finished," said one of the maids as she stepped back so the woman could view herself.

Emma stood up from her vanity and walked to the large mirror in her room to get a good look at herself. Her hair had grown long, passing just below her breasts, and was just a couple shades darker than her dress. There was light makeup highlighting her features, but not too much to keep a sweetheart look. She looked lovely and smiled at herself, "Thank you, you three are dismissed."

She watched as the girls scurried away out of her room and sighed to herself. There was only one chance and she really hoped the queen wouldn't mess it up, honestly she had no clue how the older woman planned to pull this off.

Emma took her time going downstairs to the great hall where their dinner would take place. She saw her mother helping make the table as her father was speaking to the cooks about the meal being made.

"Are you really sure this is something you want?" Snow asked worriedly. She doesn't want her daughter to go through the same trauma she did, she couldn't even imagine the things the queen might do to her. That's what scared her most.

"If I hadn't picked a suitor the night of my ball, you and father would've constantly pushed me until you were the ones picking for me. I picked the queen, and that is my final answer." Emma stated simply.

"Yes but you don't know her, Emma…the things she's done, and only god knows how much more powerful she is after all these years!"

Emma took a deep breath and sighed, "Mother, that's my point. It's been eighteen years, which means you don't know who she is either. I understand your concerns of this being a trap, but your entire life has been devoted to having Hope and giving people second chances, doesn't she deserve one too?"

Snow looked at her daughter and smiled sadly, "You really are my child aren't you?" She chuckled, stroking her cheek. Snow didn't believe for a second the queen had changed, but her daughter did, and that was enough for her to at least try over dinner.

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