The Siblings

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"It seems that it's gonna rain all night...god I hope your alright Subby" Aniko's worried tone made him sound like he was gonna cry.

Aniko was still laying on the hospital bed, looking out at the window.

Aniko's ears perked up as he heard the door opened. Aniko slowly sat up and looked at who opened the door.

"Mr. Brambilla, you have some family members here who want to see you. I told them that it was late and past the visiting hours but they insisted on seeing you" The nurse explained the situation.

Aniko sighed and cracked up a smile.
"Let them in, thank you." Aniko rested his back carefully against the pillow and waited.

After a few minutes of thunder roaring and rain splashing against the window, The door flung open.

"ANIKO!" a brown/white male Fox exclaimed. A female hyena that looked exactly like Aniko followed behind the fox.

"No more visitors at this hour" Aniko crossed his arms and glared at the Fox.

"Aww don't be like that to your brother!" The fox laughed as he slapped Aniko on the shoulder, not hard but hard enough to make Aniko grit his teeth and flinch.

"Ow! I'm still healing dumbass! Why do you always have to hit me like that Marco?" Aniko said annoyed as he rubbed his left arm.

"What??? I was just messing around with ya!" Marco sat down on a nearby chair. His short curly hair bouncing as he sat down.

The female hyena then came up to Aniko. Aniko's annoyed face changed into a welcoming smile.

"At least you're here Vaniko" Aniko Hugged his twin sister.

"How's the injures?" Vaniko asked.

"Well, I've got some stitches on my upper chest, some on my LEFT ARM WHICH WAS SLAPPED BY A DUMBASS" Aniko shot a death glare right at Marco, Marco cheekily smirked and saluted at Aniko.

"And if that hole the bear made in my right side heals up soon, I'll have a big scar from my right side to my stomach." Aniko rubbed his right side softly.

Aniko looked up at Vaniko. That's when he realized that his younger twin sister dyed her hair long white.

"When in the hells did you dye your hair?" Aniko confusedly asked.

"3 weeks ago. If you'd call us for once then you would know" Vaniko sat beside Aniko.

"Yeah! You left your younger sister and you big brother scared and worried for you my dear brother" Marco said brother in a very heavy Italian accent.

"I texted" Aniko quietly muttered under his breath.

"Only to me" Vaniko rose her phone.

"Why hurt your brother this way" Marco dramatically said as he covered his face.

Aniko and Vaniko gave Marco a "Don't do that again" look and continue their conversation.

"Your hair grew longer Anny" Vaniko said as she stroke Anikos long brown hair.

"Hyena traits, y'know, family stuff" Aniko's long furry tail rested on top of his legs. Aniko started brushing it.

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