Day Shift

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"Come on! Turn on you old rusted piece of junk!" Aniko slapped the steering wheel out of frustration

Aniko's black 1990 El Comino wasn't starting

Aniko turned the key one more time, The car sat in silence

"GOD FUCKING DAMN IT" Aniko Punched the wheel, the car honked in return.

Aniko's morning wasn't going as well as he wanted it to be.
First he puked his guts out for 10 minutes as soon as he woke up, he burned his hand while making coffee, and then his car stopped working
He'll be late to his job in 20 minutes

Aniko got out of the car and slammed the door shut.

"Fucking Rusted shit" Aniko muttered, he kicked the car before he went back inside the house

"You alright hun?" Subby asked Aniko with a concerned look. Subby was leaned against the wall with a red mug tighty held in his furry hands

"I'm doing just great babe" Aniko said sarcastically

Subby slightly chuckled, he placed his mug down and walked to Aniko

"Need a ride?" Subby softly said as he put his arms around Aniko to hug him

"Car ride or something else?" Aniko smirked at Subby as he Hugged him

Subby laughed

"Too early to be playing cowboys don't you think?"

"Ha, says you" Aniko kissed Subby on the cheek

"I'll grab my keys, just wait by the car"

"Better hurry Sub because I'm gonna be late~" Aniko gave Subby a final kiss before heading back to the garage to wait for him

Subby put on a jacket as he grabbed his keys, he went to the garage and got inside his car, unlocking the passenger door.

Subby started his car, drove out of the  garage and started driving down the road

After a few turns they finally were on the highway

~14 minutes later~

"Just pull up behind the building" Aniko instructed Subby as they got close to the building

Subby drove up behind the building
"Call me when you're done, I'll come pick you up" Subby kissed Aniko on the lips

"I'll see you later Doggy~" Aniko giggled as he stepped out of the car. He waved Subby goodbye as he drove away.

Aniko checked his phone.
"A tiny bit early but on time" Aniko put his phone away and walked inside the shop through the back door (which he unlocked with the keys the owner gave him)

The Lights were already on.

'Huh? Someone must have already gotten here' Aniko thought as he walked into the main room

Mr. Snow (the Owner) was sweeping the floors

"Hey.." Aniko said, almost silently.

Mr. Snow looked up at Aniko, he had a big smile on his face

"ANIKO!" The old fox exclaimed

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