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It's 11:15am of September Third, 1939. Given the testimony of many people, it seems war is about to breal out again. The Nazis have violent policies against Jewish people, and in fact I can see a increase of them here in hell. It saddens me, it truly does, innocent civilians attacked and killed by a seemingly evil government. Not only does it make me sad, it pisses me off. My best friend, Heinz Deroldin, is a Jewish German, and he has to deal with anti-semitism all the time. I sit at my desk musing about life, when Blitz kicks my door open, with a sad look.

Blitz: Y/N.

Y/N: Yeah Blitz?

Blitz: Come with me.

I'm confused, but follow him. We walk to the lobby, and see Loona turning the dial on a radio.

Y/N: Hon? What's going on?

Loona: Listen.

The voice of a somber British man came through. That man was Neville Chamberlain, Britain's prime minister.

I stopped listening after he said there was war. My fist clenched itself. Fucking Hitler. I growl angrily.

Y/N: I should've strangled that motherfucker in the recruitment line 26 years ago.

Loona: What?

Y/N: I should've strangled Adolf Hitler in the recruitment line! He was right behind me, I could've prevented all this bullshit!

I start ranting, Mills, Mox, Loona and Blitz are staring at me. I've never gotten this pissed before in my life. After five minutes of swearing and cussing, Loona says.

Loona: Are you done?

Y/N: I'm not sure, I've never been this pissed before.

Blitz: How about this, you guys get the rest of the day off, go home and relax.

Y/N: That'd be great boss.

Loona: Yeah, yeah that sounds great.

We all leave. I've learned to drive, so I've pretty much been our exclusive driver the past 10-11 months. The second I pull into a parking spot, I break down crying. The first war was bad enough, now there was going to be another one? Knowing my new little brother, who was supposedly born right after I went off to fight, whom I never knew about or met, was going to be conscripted and sent to fight, I was terrified. I don't want him seeing the shit I've seen. I cry into the steering wheel, for almost twenty minutes. Instead of going upstairs like I told her, Loona stayed seated right next to me, patting and rubbing my back.

Loona: There there honey, let it out. I understand.

What did I do to deserve this woman? After another five minutes, we decide to head inside. We get inside, and see B playing video games, wasn't he supposed to be at work?

Loona: Hey B, shouldn't you be at work?

B: They canceled on me, said that because of the war they wanted us to mentally prepare ourselves. dad are you good?

He saw my tears, and asked.

Y/N: No, not really. I'm just remembering my time in the first war, and am really saddened by the fact a new generation of kids will have to go through what I went through.

B: So what happens now?

Y/N: For us? Nothing. For the sons of bitches in the human world, they shoot at each other with bombs and bullets.

B: I think if we were going to enlist in Hell's army, now would be a optimal time.

Y/N: You can if you want to, but I need a week or two to ponder to myself.

B: Alright.

B gets up, and starts to walk out of the apartment.

Loona: Where are you going?

B: To go enlist, see what I can do.

Y/N: Wait!

B stops, and turns to me.

B: Yeah pops?

Y/N: Just, be safe will you?

B: Of course dad, I'll be fine!

Loona: He's not just telling you to be safe from bullets.

B: What do you mean?

Y/N: You are going to see horrible things, terrible things. You're going to see people and demons getting blown up, shot, stabbed, strangled, and all manner of other things.

B: Holy shit

We'd tried our best to keep both of our kids safe from danger, and we did a decent job. He hasn't seen much violence besides the violence in his video games about hells wars. I sigh, then go over and hug him.

B: Dad?

Y/N: Be careful, okay? You're supposed to die after I do.

B: I will dad, don't worry.

Y/N: Love you buddy.

B: Love you too dad, no homo though!

Y/N: What?

Loona: I'll tell you some other time.

Y/N: Okay.

B: Bye mom, bye dad, I'll see you around Eh?

Y/N: Hopefully walking. Bye bud, try not to die.

Loona: Bye sweetie, I love you!

B: Bye guys, see ya!

He walks out the door, and I start crying. This time, not just anger and sadness, but out of pride. I'm proud of my son, proud that he's enlisting. Hopefully he's just safe.

Chapter end.

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