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I walk into the apartment, still with slight tears leaking from my eyes. I wish I can say I'm alright, but I can't, not after what just happened. The second I sit down on the couch I'm brutally and viciously attacked by my grieving wife, who was crying as well.

Y/N: I-I take it you know what happened?

Loona: Y-yeah, Yeah I do. why, why did this happen?!

Y/N: There wasn't anything that I could've done, the nearest aid station was too far, and we didn't have any medical gear.

Loona: Why didn't those sons of bitches just retreat?! They were basically fucking beat! WHY?!

She buried her head into my shoulder and bawled. I took the m16 helmet off and did the same. We sat there, bawling our eyes out for several hours, until there was a knock on the door. I got up, leaving her to cry and cuddle a pillow. I open the door and see Fritz.

Y/N: Oh, hey brother

Fritz: Wassup brother? How's the fam- why's it look like you've been crying?

Y/N: I just watched my son get killed, what do you think?

Fritz: wait, B's dead?!

I can only nod, my eyes starting to water again.

Fritz: fuck man, that's rough, really rough, I'm so sorry

Y/N: n-not y-your fault

I started crying again. My brother hugged me, patting my back.

Fritz: Y/N, brother, dearest friend, I'm so sorry for your loss

I just continue crying, wetting my brother's t-shirt.

Time skip, 3 weeks later, Y/N POV

We're walking into the building for his wake, the night before the funeral. As we  walk in, my mom was already there. She ran up and hugged me, crying her eyes out. I simply hugged back, trying to hold my tears back, but they start leaking out again.

Hilda: Es tut mir so leid dass es passiert ist!

She said she was sorry it happened, I just hug her and softly cry. Soon we go up to the casket, he had been dressed up in his dress uniform, hat and all. I picked something at a shop for him. Loona looks at me.

Loona: What are you doing?

Y/N: Something the government wouldn't.

I pull out a 1914 iron cross first class, Germany's highest military honor a Rifleman can hope to get. I pin it to his chest.

Y/N: You've earned it buddy, now Rest In Peace, h-hope wherever you are n-now you're happy.

I break down again, Loona hugs me, then pulled me over to the chairs that had been set up for us. We sat down and I hugged her back. This is how it goes from 9:00am-5:30pm, when we go to a restaurant with our daughter. She didn't get there until around 3:40, since she was teaching at the school until 3:30. We walk into a Helldonalds. We get food, and sit down. Mildred was crying her eyes out.

Millie(d): I-I didn't even get to say goodbye, I'm a t-terrible sister

Loona: No, don't say that Mills, it's not your fault you didn't get to say goodbye

Y/N: We didn't know it was going to happen, he didn't even know it was going to happen, how could've you known?

She stops and thinks about it. She recognizes we're not wrong, so she just shakes her head.

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