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Third person POV

I'm sorry if I had made
things awkward today.
It was not my intention.
I hope you have a good day!

Everleigh sat there and stared at her phone screen. Her eyes were slightly widened as she stared at the words on the screen.

Everleigh quickly closed out of the message and pulled up her contacts list. She searched for one name and when she finally saw it, she instantly pressed the green call button.

Everleigh pressed the phone to her ear and closed her eye. Hoping the person she called would answer quickly.

"I swear to god you better have a good reason for waking me up." The person answered after a few seconds.

"May, I need help." Everleigh said quickly. May sat up quickly in her bed, suddenly interested in what her friend had to say.

"What happened?" She questioned quickly, suddenly worried for her friend.

"Wilbur Soot." Everleigh said. May instantly scowled at the name.

"What about that asshole." She grumbled out, no longer interested in where this conversation was going.

"So you know Karl, Dream, and all of them. Well they invited me to play Minecraft with them today on dreams server and I did. So yesterday Wilbur commented on my Twitter post and I didn't think much of it, but today he joined the vc I was in. Then he said hello to me. I panicked and left. Then he messaged me. Help me." Everleigh spoke quickly. Though for most people, Everleigh would be hard to understand, May was used to her friends quick speaking.

"Well what did he say?" May asked, laying back down on her bed.

"He apologized for if he made things awkward. Then told me that he hopes I have a good day." Everleigh said picking at her nails.

"Well are you going to answer?" May asked. Everleigh thought over it for a moment.

"I don't know May." Everleigh sighed.

"Leigh it's been over two years since you last talked to him. That's in the past. You can't just hold a grudge like that for this long." May replied. Everleigh let out a loud groan.

"But May. Things ended so badly." Everleigh grumbled.

"I'm not forcing you to talk to him Leigh. That choice is yours. I'm just saying, maybe you guys met again for a reason." May said with a smile. May had always been into things like things are destined to happen or everything happens for a reason. Everleigh though was not really one to believe that.

"You weren't much help." Everleigh complained which made May laugh loudly.

"That's my job. Now if you'll excuse me I have my beauty sleep to get back to." May said before pressing the red end button.

Everleigh cursed under her breath before going back to Twitter. She pulled Wilbur's DM again and stared at it.

She had spent the last two years hold a small grudge towards the streamer. Honestly over two years of you count high school as well.

Everleigh felt conflicted. She didn't know whether to let Wilbur back into her life or not. The last time he was in her life, he hurt her badly. She didn't want that to happen again, though people change.

I'm sorry if I had made
things awkward today.
It was not my intention.
I hope you have a good day!

It's alright! Things were
just a little weird. No biggie tho
Have a good day as well!

Everleigh sat her phone down and sighed. It didn't take long before the ping of a notification rang throughout her room.

Yeah I understand how things
were awkward. Like I said
it was not my intention!

It's alright! Like i said
no biggie at all!

So, how have you been?

I've been good!

I've been pretty alright actually!
I'm sorry to cut this short but
I have to go stream with Tommy.
It was nice to talk to you again!

You too!
Have a good stream :)

Thank you!

   After the conversation ended, Everleigh shut her phone off and sighed. Her heart was beating what felt like a thousand beats a second. She took in a deep breath to calm her jittering feeling.

Karl <3:
Yooo come over and watch Criminal Minds with me :))

Leigh <3:

Everleigh let out a shaky breath before she stood up and grabbed her keys. She knew Karl would get her mind off of the conversation she had just shared with her old friend, and that is exactly what she needed at this time.

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