Math Class

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Mika POV:

The school was massive, even larger than its reputation spoke of it to be. Each subject had it's own building, and each building it's own parking lot. It was so unnecessarily convenient ....that is if I had ever learned how to drive. The campus had to be about twenty acres, and it was off a main city, Nagoia, too. I had to wonder where they had got the funding for all of this, then and again the Higaris did own it.  

I was lost in thought when the transportation bus I was forced to ride in came to a stop. I banned my head up against the glove compartment that was already half way out of place. 

"Hey! Watch it hotshot," screamed Cora. "This car is already falling apart as it is, and I can't afford any extraneous expenses on you! The gas was already $3, and don't think you are some kind of big-shot just because you go into this school on full-ride," she scowled as she tossed my backpack that was up against the back of my seat at me.

"Sorry," I mumbled to myself as I exited on the only side with a running board

Well honestly, this was about an average morning for me, and I could only imagine it was going to get worse. After all, most who intended here were in the 1%, or at the very least were part of a well known clan. 

I continued to walk down the sidewalk, leading to my first class, math. Cora had gone out of her way to drop me off in the exact opposite direction, figures. How could I complain though? The campus was so perstien. If I had walked into this blind I would've maybe though it was a court yard, or even an aviary. You know, except for the obvious school building part. 

As I walked to class, I was in awe. Bees were singing, flowers blooming, hedges perfectly trimmed, and men were even placing down grass seed to maintain this beauty. I mean I understood how it was so expensive, but how could people possibly afford this?! Even maintaining the area was a constant effort. How could I complain once again, though. It provided well paid jobs. Jobs that I might have had to take on if it hadn't been for my luck, or I guess "giftedness".   Even the people were beautiful. I watched as a girl with short, black hair and a slim figure got out of a Porche. She was wearing a light grey shirt with a graphic on it? I mean I could only see her from behind. She was definitely wearing blue jeans, though. Was that person even a girl? Whatever, it's not like I was going to get with anyone anyways. 

Somehow I was already halfway to the math building when my imagination came to a stop. Well it wasn't the fact that I was halfway there that stopped me, it was the obnoxious STARBUCKS located in the center of the campus. 

"Well at least those people are paying for my tuition," I mumbled to myself and rolled my eyes as I saw a petite girl with maroon covered hair walk with two stacked containers holding six cups of coffee a piece. 

Thats when I realized, I saw the lower stack tilting like the fucking tower of Piza. Well, shit. Guess I was going to be late to class. Just about as the girl looked like she realized the situation she was in, one of the rows collapsed. 

"SHIT!" I screamed as six 120z cups of pumpkin mocha matcha waffle hibiscuses dragon fruit mango vanilla unicorn lil nas x coffee came pouring down on me. It was the brown shower I had NEVER once wanted. It burned my skin as I quickly pulled off the jacket that was stuck to me. Well at least the girl was safe. And hey maybe I could sue Starbucks for 3mil claiming the coffee was too hot and third degree burned off my balls. Oh wait that's Mcdonalds. "Ssssssssssshit," I mumbled to myself again. At the very least Cora was going to kick my ass.

Not only did I now smell like a hot pile of bath and body works, but the girl I saved from this utter embarrassment was gone. WOW, SHE COULDN'T HAVE TAKE THE FINAL BLOW! Oh whatever, I already hated people. Why did I think this school would be any different? Hell, I should even trust these people less. They are all children of economic powerhouses, or simply just powerhouses. 

Now everyone was starring at me in my once white jacket. My silver hair and blue eyes were now overun with red, brown, and pink. I didn't even realize I had been crying. That was all the more motive I needed to race to class. With that I picked up my jacket and made a run for it.  

Mika x Yuu fanfic produced by a sad sophomore Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang