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Yuichiro Pov:

My mom handed me my lunch box as my dad packed my backpack. I watched them wander around trying to prepare for my first day of sophomore year while I ate some avocado toast. The avocados were perfectly ripe, and the everything bagel was perfectly spread. As I took my next bite some fell on my layered, gray shirt. I tried to wipe it off, but only ended up spreading it. Almost like a third sense, mom then realized it. She made eye-contact with me then the stain then me then the stain till she rushed over.

"Oh baby! You can't start your first day like this," she exclaimed as she reached to wet the towel she had brought over. 

"Mom, I'm NOT a baby anymore," I exclaimed as I folded my arms and pouted. I then realized I was only proving her point. S i g h

"Okay then," Mom gigeled, handing me my now packed backpack.  

With that I waved goodbye and hopped into our driver's Porche. The school was only ten minutes away, and I was used to the route from freshman year. However, my helicopter parents wouldn't let me drive yet, so I was stuck in the Porche. It did have it perks, though. Yoichi and Shiona could join me in here, people I couldn't legally escort otherwise. Shiona had just entered high school, and Yoichi..was well..Yoichi. I wonder how they're doing? Last time I talked to Shiona she was ploting devious licks on the school... something like stealing all the Eson projectors then burning them in a ritual?? I don't know, I'm pretty sure she was high. As for Yoichi, he was simply practicing archery. I'm pretty sure he's trying out for the Moon Demon hunting club, though I doubt he will make it.. He is kind of a little bitc-

"You've arrived at the math building, sir," The driver very politely interrupting my thought process.  He carefully picked up my backpack and then opened the door. With a wave of his hand he ushered me out.

"You know.. you don't really have to do this Alfred," I said hesitantly as my face flushed at the scene we were creating

"BITCH MY NAME IS WILLIAM," Alfred shouted as he raced back to the house

I could see the reflection of a boy with a long white coat staring at me from across the school. Great, I had already drawn unnecessary attention to myself. I waited a second before I swung my backpack over my shoulder. I had to get over this, otherwise I would create more of a scene. The math building wasn't far away, and the walk was beautiful. I admired the blooming flowers and the smell of freshly cut grass as I took my leisurely walk to class.  If I contiuned at this pace I would be a bit late, but I could just claim that I confused the classrooms. After Alferd lashing out at me, I had to calm down. 

If there was anything that could calm me down, it was extra spicy takkis. My bowols singing is the only symphony that can put me to sleep. Maybe I could even shit on my bed so Alferd eould have to clean it up. As I pulled out my Takkis, a large brown streak hit me. I was under this wet oath now. He started to pick himself up until finally I could make eye contact with him. He was the guy who had seen me across the street. The guy who had witnessed the Alfred files. I blushed as I turned my head to my left. His snow white face was now as red as a cherry too. Though it seemed he had been crying. 

Mika x Yuu fanfic produced by a sad sophomore Where stories live. Discover now