Late to Math

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A tear hit my face, splashing my perfectly dry skin. I was now watching this guy break down in tears on top of me. I wonder what had even happened. He was covered in some sort of brown liquid that reeked of rich people autumn. On top of that, his hair was a bit of a mess and his backpack was pretty worn. This guy was an all around mess. I felt bad for him, though. And his flushed face was a bit cute in a sense. Though maybe that was pity too.

"Hey, are you okay?" I said in a soft voice as I tried to lift him off me. He didn't respond, and he refused to make eye-contact. However, he had gotten off of me. He was still sitting right next to me, motionless when he finally responded.

"Yeah I'm fine, just a few three degree burns and lots of embrassment." He said wiping the last tear out of his eye and propping himself up

"Well you know, this was awkward, but no one saw us. Everyone is in class already," I retorted looking around to make sure there were no windows that had us in view.

"It's not that," he said pausing. "Some random girl spilled coffee all over me, and I have nothing to change into. Not only that but I'm late for my first day of class at a completely new school," he said with a sigh, now burying his head in his legs.

I removed my jacket then, revealing my avocado toast stain. "Well now we're both a mess," I said as I shook my head to turn it into a rats nest. As I did so he giggled a bit. I was glad to make him happy despite having no idea who he was.

"Well thanks," he said as he picked up his bag and proceeded to get up. "I'm Mikaela by the way," he held out his hand to not only shake mine, but to help me get up.

"Nice to met ya Mika! I'm yuichiro," I flashed him a smile as I grabbed his hand. "Where are you heading off to?" I asked as I started walking to the math building. He was still standing still. I think he was confused about where he was going as well.

"MA 313," he said with a hint of curiosity is his voice as he squinted at his phone to make out the fine letters.

This guy was going to the same class as me? Well it was going to be even more embarrassing to explain why we were late together...and why we were such as mess... oh god.. what were they going to think we had been doing. I was blushing so hard I looked like a cherry when I finally got out the words, "follow me then." This was going to be a long day, and Mika looked embarrassed too.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 05, 2021 ⏰

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Mika x Yuu fanfic produced by a sad sophomore Where stories live. Discover now