Chapter 2

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3rd POV -

A G-gnome sits on one of the desks in an expensive-looking lab as Desmond paces across the middle of the room. He finally comes to a stop when seven screens come down from the ceiling. All seven are on, but instead of showing people, it projected white outlines of people in front of a blue background.

?: Dr. Desmond, you require an audience with The Light?

Desmond: Yes, very sorry to disturb you at this hour.

??: Just make your report. *Aggravated*

Another man's voice spoke up, coming from a different screen.

Desmond: Of course... *Clears throat*. Well, uh, we had a small fire, here at Cadmus. The origin of the incident is still unclear but seems to have attracted some... unwanted attention.

The screens change, showing Aqualad, Robin, and Kid Flash, podded and unconscious with Superboy watching over them.

Desmond: The sidekicks, Robin, Aqualad, and Kid Flash had breached security. They found and released the weapon, Superboy. Of course, the clone is under our telepathic control, and as ordered, turned on his would-be liberators... The 3 are contained and we don't believe The League knows they're here.

?: Clone them... the sidekicks.

The first man's voice spoke.

???: The substitutes will serve The Light and only The Light.

Desmond: And The Originals?

?: Dispose of them, leave no trace.

Pod chamber

???: Time runs short, you must wake! You must wake now!

Kid Flash's eyes fly open, as he gasps for air. The others are just as alert, focusing on the neutral form of Superboy standing before them.

Kid Flash: W-w-w-what do you want?! *Annoyed*

He continued to stare in silence.

Kid Flash: Quit staring! You're creeping me out!

Robin: Uh, KF, *Kid turns to face him* How about we not piss off the guy who could fry us with a look?

Outside the room

3rd POV -

Desmond, along with a female scientist, walks towards Superboy's room.

Desmond: Prepare the cloning procedure for the new project sidekick, now!

Following his orders, the female scientist walks away to get it done. Desmond walks past Guardian.

Guardian: Almost done here, doc.

A giant muscular genomorph holds up the destroyed door as it's being reattached and fixed. Desmond walks to the room before he realizes, Superboy isn't there.

Desmond: Where's the weapon!?

Guardian: Superboy? He brought the intruders to the cloning chamber.

Desmond: We have genomorphs for that! Get it back in its pod, now!

Guardian: Woah! I don't see any harm in letting the kid stretch his legs?

Desmond: Don't you know?

A G-gnome that was on Desmond's shoulder's horns started to glow, as the one on Guardians shoulder did the same, manipulating Guardian.

Guardian: That clone belongs in a cage!

Guardian turns around a goes to Superboy.

Cloning room

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