Chapter 6- Trust

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Location: Happy Harbor


Robin: We know who you are, and what you want!

Aqualad: So let's end this!

Mr. Twister: Consider it ended

Raising his robotic hands, the crimson machine generates two smaller tornadoes, before combining them, making one big tornado

Aqualad: An impressive show, but we will not indulge you! We will not engage!

Lightning strikes from the sky as a storm surrounds the band of rookies

KF: Uh, can Red Tornado do this?

The Metalic villain snorts loudly

Mr. Twister: You think I'm Red Tornado? Ironic

KF: Fu-

Before he could finish, a lightning bolt struck the ground before the rookies, generating a massive explosion, and sending the group flying. Superboy was the only one to get to his feet, his jacket shredded. Ripping the torn fabric off, he lept off with a roar towards Mr. Twister, his fist cocked back. However, before he even got close, he was blasted back to the ground by another lightning bolt, sending him cratering into the ground next to his team. As Mr. Twister floated down menacingly to the group of teens, lightning sparking off his metallic hands, Miss Martian regained consciousness, seeing this. Twister raised his hand to strike again when they suddenly disappeared.

Lowering his hands, the lightning stopped

Mr. Twister: Fine then. I won't deny you children have power...

Wally groans as he wakes up, before Megan covers his mouth, silently telling him to shut the fuck up

Mr. Twister: But playing hide and seek with you will not help me achieve my objectives, so stay concealed! If you come to fight me again, I will Show No Mercy!

He emphasized his warning with powerful electric sparks coursing around his hand before flying off as the group of rookies start to get up, albeit painfully

KF: What happened?

MM: I placed the bioship between us-

Superboy punches a rock to pieces with a roar of anger

Superboy: And that's supposed to make it right?!

Gripping his hands into fists, he marches up to Megan

Superboy: You tricked us into thinking Twister was Red Tornado!

Aqualad walks to stand in front of the still-downed Miss Martian

Aqualad: She didn't do it on purpose

Robin: It was a rookie mistake, we shouldn't have listened

KF: You are pretty inexperienced

Megan looks at Dick and Wally, both of which are avoiding eye contact

KF: Hit the showers, we'll take it from here

Superboy: Stay out of our way!

Superboy snarls, leaping away. Kid Flash and Robin follow after, KF speeding after Superboy as Robin ran normally

MM: I-I was just... trying to be a part of the team...

Aqualad rubs the back of his neck

Aqualad: To be honest... I'm not sure if we even have a team

He softens his look on the saddened girl, before taking off after the rest of the team, leaving Megan behind. Suddenly her eyes widen in realization before she smacks her forehead with her palm

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2023 ⏰

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