Impossible Stars (Suga X Reader)

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Impossible Stars (Sugawara Koushi X Reader) [One-Shot]

                A/N: Here's a new one! I just recently watched Haikyuu!! and let's just say I'm HOOKED!! And of course I couldn't help but to write a one shot of this especially with Suga!! He's my most favorite out of everyone in that show. He's just so adorable and cute~ Anyway, please do tell me if you guys think I should do more with him because I wouldn't mind it at all ^w^ and of course I won't stop writing more with Arthur (I don't think I could if I tried XD) plus I need to finish some of them to =3=. Also, if you guys want to hear this song, Holes in the Sky by M83 with HAIM (Song from the movie Insurgent I just watched it recently :3) you could probably find it on YouTube or Spotify. But that song was definitely an inspiration for this writing so enjoy!

                Please don't be afraid to comment and/or fav!! Thank you!!

                (Psst...please tell me if its a little confusing because I have a feeling it may be a little bit somewhere but I don't know I could be wrong and I'm ust worrying over nothing...heh.)


    Feet shuffling across the moist grass, you slowly trudged around in the familiar grass of the school's yard thinking of the impossible. The impossible that you had so desperately wanted to come true. But with how things were now you knew it was a fat chance it was actually going to happen to you. Sighing, you slowly sat down not caring if you got wet and looked up at the night sky. It was clear tonight, not a cloud in the sky to disturb the beauty that you were staring at. Why had you fallen for such a person? Yeah, he was kind and was cute but he already has too much on his plate to even think about a thing like a romance... Gulping down your thoughts, you didn't take notice to the sounding footsteps until a slightly concerned silvered haired boy looked down at you blocking your view of the sky. Why was he here?

    "[f/n]?" His eyebrows furrowed together. "Are you alright?"

    "Oh hey, Koushi," You allowed a small smile to appear up at him. "Lovely night we're having huh?"

    Sighing, he knew you were dismissing his question but he pushed that aside and slowly sat next to your laying figure and smiled up at the sky, "Yeah, I suppose you're is rather beautiful out tonight..."

    "Yeah..." Your eyes averted from the sky once more only to look upon the beauty you sought was impossible to reach. His hair gently ruffled in the small breeze as it whisked around in the air allowing the leaves and surrounding things to rustle and sound in the nightly air. You were always a bit jealous of this young man in front of you... He had everything you didn't. His kind and caring words, his loving smile, his aggressive passion for volleyball, and more importantly the love he receives from his teammates... That was something you always envied of him, not only because he got such love from other people but he always returned it without a thought. He even gives you the same love he has for his teammates but it wasn't the love you were searching for... You wanted something more, something deeper...

    "[f/n]?" His voice snapped you back to reality. Immediately you looked away obliviously feeling a bit embarrassed since he caught you staring but judging by his expression he didn't seem to mind too much. Or just didn't really show it... "Are you sure you're alright?"

    "Y-Yeah," You tried to dismiss your blushing cheeks. "I-I'm fine but what are you doing here?"

    "I could ask you the same thing," He chuckled. "But I was just finishing up some personal practice..."

    "This late?" Your eyebrows shot up.

    "Yeah, I need it," He sighed small pushing up his slight yellowed sweater sleeves in thought. "Why are you here [f/n]-chan?"

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