Midnight Summer Adventures: Act I? (Suga X Reader)

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Act I?

A/N: Sugawara-senpai! Yaaaay~~! I couldn't help myself, it has been blistering hot out here this past week. Not to mention the heat but the humidity as well. My body just wasn't used to it yet XD so this was inspired by my suffering and pain T^T but oh well, I'll live :3 Anyway, I'm not sure if I should continue this into another part... I left it open so that I could if I wanted to but I'm kind of curious, do you guys want it to? If so just say something and if I get enough people I will definitely do it (:

Sooo please don't be afraid to comment and/or fav!! Thank You!! =3=


Heat. Nothing but waves of heat flowed in and out of the room. Not even the set of fans you had set up were doing much. In fact, you were pretty sure it was making things worse. It doesn't help that it's in the middle of the summer but with it being night time you thought it was going to cool down. At least a little bit anyway. But...apparently that wasn't the case. It was blistering hot...

You laid there staring up at the ceiling with legs and arms spread apart for maximum cooling while your hot, meaning sweating, boyfriend laid right next to you doing the same thing. Obviously the both of you were trying to get some kind of sleep but neither of you were cool enough to even try. Sighing, you blew your bangs out of your vision and dared to speak since just one word could leave you parched.

"Suga?" Your voice was merely a whisper.

"Mm?" He hummed slowly not even bothering to look over at you.

"Why doesn't you family get a/c?" You questioned for the fourth time that night. "It's a wonderful thing you know..."

"I'm sure it is," He sighed obviously too tired to even try to converse with you but you needed something to keep your mind off the heat so you continued.

"I hate the summer," You pouted.

"Don't you think 'hate' is a strong word?" He chuckled at your sudden sourness.

"No," You looked over at his overheated figure. "If it's going to be this bad each year I rather freeze to death than to die of heat. Plus I don't think I've ever sweated this much either..." You wiped it away from your forehead, you pulled your hand away dripping with your own sweat.

"Same," He muses as he pushed back his hair. "I usually don't sweat this much, not even during practice..."

"That's definitely saying something," You giggled.

"Oh yeah?" His smirking, warm gaze found yours. Before you knew it, he sat up, leaned closer to you and shook his locks out in front of you face causing you to squeal with disgust and surprise.

"Ah gross! Sugaa~," You couldn't contain your laughter as you tried to hide away from his playful idea underneath a pillow. "I don't need another shower! I took one today already!"

"Hey that's an idea," He suddenly stopped.

"What? A shower?" You peaked around your shield

"Yeah," His lips smiled at the idea. "It wouldn't hurt to rinse off under cool water."

"Oh that does sound like a good idea, however," You thought ahead. "Once we get out we'll be back in the same situation we are now..."

"I suppose so," He sighed, plopping back down onto the mattress. "Well...do you have any ideas?"

"Well I do have one," You grinned excitedly.

"Oh? What is it?"


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