Chapter 1

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It was a normal morning, and Dan was downstairs eating breakfast with his mother. "Hey, Dan." Said Mrs. Quave, his mother. Dan looked up, "Yes, mom?" Asked Dan. "Got a girlfriend yet?" Asked Mrs. Quave, getting straight to the point. "Mom!!" Yelled out Dan, embarrassed by his moms shenanigans. "Quiet down sweety, I was just asking. You just need to loosen up a little, find love." Said Mrs. Quave, calming her son.

After a bit, Dan finished breakfast. "I'm done with breakfast, mom." Said Dan, walking towards the stairs leading to the floor above. "Sweetie, why are you going upstairs? Don't you have to get to school." Said Mrs. Quave. Dan turned around, "As you can see, I don't have my bag on me. I'm going upstairs to grab it." Said Dan, in an annoyed and snarky tone. He started heading up the stairs. His mother sighed.

Dan had made it to his room, and grabbed his bag. He turned around to leave, but he caught a glimpse of a photo of an old man who smiled brightly, almost as if he was young again. He was with a young boy who was also smiling, living the time of his life. Dan grabbed the picture and held it, as he sat down on his bed. "Grandpa..." He said sadly, as a tear streamed down his face, "I miss you..." Dan quickly wiped the tears from his face and got up, realizing what he had been doing. I should be getting to school, he thought, as he put the picture down and walked out of his room.

"Mom! I'm going to school now!" Yelled out Dan, not caring if his mom even heard or not. He put on his shoes fast, and then he ran out the door, hurrying to school. "Wait, Dan!! You forgot your lunch!!" Yelled out Mrs. Quave, but it already was too late. Her son had already been too far away for it to reach his ears. She sighed, not having enough energy for this. She closed the front door, hoping that her son had enough money left to be able to buy some school lunch. Even though deep inside, she knew that he didn't, she still hoped.

Meanwhile, Dan was running to school as fast as he could, trying to make it on time. But ultimately, he knew he wouldn't make it on time, he never made it on time. He was rushing past trees and houses, people taking a jog, and people riding their bike. He even passed a few other kids who were walking to school as well.

When Dan was very close to his destination; the school. He started running even faster, hoping that just this once he would actually make it on time. He was barely paying attention to his surroundings, then, BAM! He crashed into someone. "Uh- I-I'm sorry," He opened his eyes and saw a girl, "Ms." They sat there for a moment, awkwardly. The girl's face started to morph into anger, "Ugh, you pervert!!!" Yelled the girl as she sat up quickly. "Huh?" Mumbled Dan right before he got hit in the head by the girl. She huffed angrily and stomped away, getting to her next class.

Dan just sat there, dumbfounded, confused, and very much in pain. "First day of Junior year, and this happens. This year is definitely gonna be very eventful." Mumbled Dan, as he started to get up, his head still hurting from the incredibly hard hit the woman gave him. The bell rang, surprising Dan and almost giving him a heart attack. He sighed. I'm never gonna make it on time, am I? He started off to class.

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