Chapter 2

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The door made a loud bang as I slammed it open, attempting to not be any more late than I should be.

The teacher immediately turned to me, "This is quite an eventful first day, isn't it class?"

The class laughed and the teacher continued to talk.

"You; we need to talk after class." Said the teacher. I nodded, not wanting to get into anymore trouble.

As I made my way to an empty seat in the back, the teacher stopped me in my tracks.

"Not there, here." He said as he pointed at an empty seat that happened to be the closet to him.

I gulped and nodded my head once again.

This was quite embarrassing.

"Oh, also, what's your name?" Asked the teacher.

"Uhm... Dave." I replied nervously.

"Ah, ok. My name's Noah Clarkson. Mr. Clarkson to my fellow students." Replied Mr. Clarkson.


As everyone else was packing up, I suddenly remembered that I had to stay and have a talk with the teacher.

I finished packing my things and headed toward Mr. Clarkson's desk.

"Is there perhaps a reason why you were late to school today?" Asked Mr. Clarkson.

"Uh... Well, I just am not good with time." I replied, not really knowing what to say.

"Well, Dave, I think you should start trying to keep track of your time more. Next time you're late, I'm giving you lunch detention in my room, understand?" Said the teacher. I nodded again.

"You may go now." Said the teacher.

As I was leaving, I remembered something.

"May I have a late pass?" I asked.

The teacher nodded his head yes and pulled out a sticky note and wrote down on it.

Phew, I wouldn't be scolded by yet another teacher.

As he was done writing on the sticky note, I thanked the teacher and hurried out of the classroom to my next class. As I was halfway there, the bell rang and I sighed. Worth a try... At least I have a late pass.

I put my hands in my pocket to grab the late pass, and my heart dropped. I checked my other pocket as well, and even the side pockets of my bag, but the late pass wasn't there.

Looks like I am going to get another scolding after all.


Actually, never mind. I mean, yes, I got a scolding, but guess what? I got lunch detention too.

It was now lunch time, and I was headed toward the teachers class.

When I passed Mr. Clarkson's class, he called out to me.

I entered the room and asked, "What is it?"

"Mrs. Rosy said that she was busy and couldn't do lunch detention, so I decided to do it." He replied.

"Oh, ok." I said as I walked to my desk and sat down.

The air in the room was awkward and tense. I decided to just ignore it and pull out my lunch.

I reached into my bag, and found that my lunch was nowhere to be found.

Just my luck... Lunch detention, and now no lunch!

I sighed.

The teacher looked at me in a questioning way.

"What is it?" Asked Mr. Clarkson.

"I, uh- I forgot my lunch..." I replied, my cheeks burning red in embarrassment.

The teacher opened a drawer in his desk and pulled out a brown paper bag and walked up to my desk.

"Here, take it. I have more for me to eat." Said the teacher.

H-huh!? That was unexpected...

My heart skipped a beat for a moment, and as I was about to refuse the meal despite my hunger, my stomach growled and now there was no way I was getting out of this...

"Ah, ok." I said as I grabbed the bag out of his hand, "Thank you."

My cheeks burned even more red in embarrassment, and I didn't know what to do.

The teacher just walked back up to his desk and started doing whatever on his computer.

At least I didn't have to deal with the awkwardness anymore.

...what a day.

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