Chapter 3: Ariarne's Teachings

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'Took your time, Newbie.' Ariarne growled. 'Now now. He probably didn't know the way here. Hello Benjamin. Take a seat.' said the principal. It was my first time meeting him so it was interesting. Though, since I'm telling you now, I am going to have to admit. 

I was nervous out of my guts.

I sat in front of the desk. He continued. 'We see that you are a new student and Tristan here is your tour guide.' Tristan smiled proudly at Ariarne. She rolled her eyes. 'However, after deep consideration, me and Ariarne's father, Nathan, have agreed that Ariarne would take over guiding you on your journey through Drukora.' the principal smiled. My eyes bulged. 'What?' I asked. 'What?' Tristan asked. Ariarne remained expressionless. No sign of 'yay, I finally showed Tristan a lesson.' She just nodded. 'I decide that Ben should have lessons with me every Thursday, 7pm. For a spy, his skills sucks.' Ariarne blurted. That hurt my feelings. 'Mr Principal-'

'She has spoken. Anyways, you are dismissed Benjamin.' 

I walked out of the office with feelings of delight, because I got to spend more time with Ariarne, but also worry as she would terrify me on everything I would do. Just then, I bumped into Heidi. 'Wow! Lessons with Arny! You're so lucky!' she sighed. 'Arny? I- wait. How did you know?' I said in disbelief. Heidi sighed again. But with disappointment now. 'I am a spy Ben. Keep up.'

Heidi walked away and I was running after her. 'You following me? Hm... Ok! We have to prepare for next class. We both have Bomb Defusion. Fun!' Heidi exclaimed. What did she just say? Bomb Defusion. Sounds friendly. We  walked on over to an old room that had a few spies in it.

'Right. For you itty bitty new comers, my name is Peter Riot. However you shall call me Professor Riot or just Professor. Got that?' Professor said. We all gave small nods. 'We are going to focus on Bomb Defusion. Here, we will give you five minutes to defuse a bomb in a ticking room. Miss Fowl can demonstrate. I noticed Ariarne was in the room and we all jumped. She carefully opened the top part of a bomb. Inside it were all these wires. She took scissors and clanked the red and blue one apart. 'Now your turn.'

Heidi and I were working together. She seemed to get it while I was struggling. Ariarne must have saw and sighed. She walked on over to where I was. 'Do you know how to do anything?' she questioned. Then, suddenly, her hand was on top of mine. I was in astonishment but thought it was a she's only helping me because I  suck thing. Heidi had her eyes bulged and her mouth fell open. When Ariarne was gone, Heidi shook her head in disbelief. 'BEN!' she shouted. Everyone faced her except for Ariarne. 'Did you just see that?' she hissed in a lower voice. Her eyes were full of excitement. 'Ariarne never helps anyone unless it's on a mission or she's assigned to do it. You were part of that one in a million!' Heidi jumped up and down so hard, I thought she had a sugar rush. 'I only just met her!' I hissed back. Heidi looked at me with mere disappointment. 'Benjamin...' she sighed.

After class, we prepared for dinner already. It was like an all-you-can-eat platter of food. That glorious moment was ruined by my phone buzzing. It was James. 

Yo. Dude. Are you okay? You belched so hard at school. 

Heidi seemed to notice the text. She raised her eyebrow. I can't tell anyone about Drukora Spy Academy. So I texted back.

Hey. I'm fine. I won't be able to go back to school for a few days.

It took him a second to reply ok but I knew he didn't like that. That didn't matter right now though. I grabbed so many things onto my plate. Chicken, bread, rice you name it. I looked over at Ariarne who was sitting alone. Out of all foods she could've got, she got salad. I frowned and she caught me staring. I looked back and sat next to Heidi. 'Are you okay, Ben?' Max asked. 'Did you hear? Cassy got activated today! She'll be back in who-knows-when!' Max cheered. Heidi beamed. Then, something whispered into my ear. 'Ben. Ben!' 

It was Ariarne.

'Don't talk back! I snuck an ear transmitter and I want you to go in the classroom that you went in today. I snuck the ear transmitter in your ear while I came to help you.'

That made so much sense. 

'Can't I just?'

'No you can't. Now!'

I explained to Heidi that I am just going to visit the bathroom. I walked into the classroom and saw Ariarne there. Her sea-blue eyes twinkled in the light and her raven hair shimmered. Street name: Beautiful. 'H-hi. Choo?' Okay. I had a serious Choo problem. Ariarne snorted. 'I'm going to test your self defence today. We fight. Knife in mine, knife in yours. GO!'

Suddenly I noticed these were knives. I panicked and in five seconds, a knife was in my leg. I blacked out that very second.

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