Chapter 5

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She got ready in some exercise gear and met Steve out the front 5 minutes later, still in shock about the events of last night.

"Are you ok Lea?" Steve questioned, staring at the pained expression on her face.

"I'm fine, just feel a little nauseous"

"Ok. Let me know if you need to stop." Lea smiled in reply.

The pair ran off, jogging out and about the streets of New York. They ran around the streets for a little longer before making their way to Central Park, where they ran across the large grass patch.

After a couple of laps, Lea dropped to her knees panting with a hand to her forehead. Steve ran over, gripping her shoulder.

"Hey, are you sure you are ok?" He asked sounding worrisome. Lea shook her head violently.

"Yeah I've just got a headache and I feel kinda dizzy, I'll explain when we back," she said groaning as she pushed herself up weakly onto the stone brick wall. Steve agreed immediately and the pair of them slowly headed home.

After about 15 minutes, Lea muttered something under her breath and suddenly collapsed on the footpath. Steve rolled her over and saw her unconscious, her head with a nasty cut on it. He quickly checked her pulse and breathing, his quickening rapidly. Thankfully she had both. He picked her up bridal style and carries her the rest of the shirt distance to the tower. When he walked through the doors, Tony came to meet them, Totally oblivious of the situation.

"Oi, Capsicle, you'll never believe what happened. So Pepper woke me up this morning to drive Morgan to school and-" He paused as he looked up, his eyes widening at the sight in front of him. "Oh my god, what happened to her?! Tony asked quickly, with a hint of fear behind his voice.

"Just shut up and find Banner could you?" Steve replied quickly.

"Language Capsicle" Tony shot back, making Steve scowl. Steve left with Lea still unconscious in his arms and took her up to the lab where Tony and Bruce were waiting for them. Dr Banner ran a few quick tests before establishing she had just passed out and would wake up soon. After stitching up the cut on her head, he and Tony left while Steve stayed with Lea.

After a couple of hours, Lea groaned in her sleep, causing Steve, who was sitting beside the sheeted table to look up.

"Hey, sleepyhead," he said with a smile. "It's been a while" Lea's eyebrows furrowed in confusion, looking around her. "You're in the lab Lea. You passed out while we were on our run. Do you remember anything?"

"The last thing I remember was walking along Kings street, and then I just remember my knees giving and everything going black."

They continued to chat for a bit, and then Steve said he had a meeting, so he left Lea in peace, but not before playing her one of the Marvin Gaye songs that Sam had shown him.

Lea lay still on the table, the white sterile sheet draped royally over the sides. Just then, someone else entered the Lab. Lea tilted her head to the gleam of sunlight on a metal arm.

"If anyone comes in here, say you came here to taunt me, deal?" Bucky said as soon as he sat down.

"Deal" Lea replied. "So, what's a Winter soldier doing here on such a hot summer's day?" She asked innocently.

"I think you already know the answer to that doll" Bucky replies glumly. "It's about last night. Lea sighed.

"Look, James. There was nothing behind that kiss. I think we were just caught up in the moment and that was what it led to. It wasn't anything."

"That kiss didn't mean anything to you?"


"Not even one bit?"

"I told you, James. It was probably just a studio mistake." He looked beyond hurt.

"A stupid mistake, right. And don't call me James" he said with a huff. With that, he just stood up and strode out the door.

Lea wasn't sure if she had said the right thing. She knew that James wanted that kiss to mean something, but it couldn't. They were enemies after all. Weren't they?

Author's note: ok so this was a bit of an emotional roller coaster but hope y'all enjoyed this segment. I'm still trying to figure out a way to spice up some stuff so if anyone had ideas, requests are open. Xx

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