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Katherine's point of view

It's been a week, and I miss him so freaking much! But I can't just call him and say that I want us to be together again. It wouldn't be right; but it still would. I just couldn't make up my mind. I miss him, but I still have the thought that it wouldn't be right if I would call him. He hurt me; he was the one who left. If anyone should call the other, it would be him! why should it be me?

"Are you okay?" I looked up from my lunch, that I've tried to eat for about fifteen minutes by now. I gave her a little smile. "Yeah, I'm.. fine.." No I'm not; I miss the boy I'm madly in love with, Jason McCann, the most wanted criminal in the USA. So no; I'm not fine. I was looking down at my food again, twirling it around my fork. The pasta was horrible. It tasted like eggs, and old newspaper. The food the gang made was better even though they most of the time cooked it for too long, so it tasted all burnt.

The gang... Jason... I miss him so much. His touch, his smell, his voice, his eyes.. oh his eyes, they are the most beautiful I've ever seen. When they're black; they're so fucking hot. Suddenly I feel trapped. I'm sure if I really pleaded Jason, I would get back to him and the gang; but I'm way too proud to do that. It feels like I'm living in a jail. I can't do what I want to do; I have to be careful what I'm saying, or else some bitchy girls will be after me, and I will get in trouble for hitting then in the face I wanted to get away from here. I needed to get away from here; from this.

"You don't seem like. Since the day at McDonalds, where you saw that boy.." she trailed off, and then she suddenly looked like she knew the answer to one million dollars. "Oh my god! You know him! I should've guessed it from the start!" sometimes she's just too stupid. I smiled a faint smile at her and got up from my seat by the table and quickly left. I could hear Alice call something after me.

As I was walking down one of the many halls in this school, I met Mary. Her and I have English, and a few other lections together, so we always meet a few minutes before the class starts. "Happy birthday sweetie, your finally eighteen." I rolled eyes at her. "Yay, thanks for reminding me; I thought that everyone had forgot."

"Girl! You should be happy; you're finally an adult. You can decide if you want to stay here, or if you want to move to china. No one can stop you, you should be happy." I listened to what she was saying, and thought about it for a few seconds. She was right; I can do whatever I want to do. Even though I could plead Jason to come and get me back, I'm not quite sure if he would want to. I mean, what if he was actually tired of me?


As we were walking out of the classroom, we decided that we would go to our rooms, so we said our goodbyes. "If I don't see ya tomorrow, I know you've gone home." She joked. After that I went up to my and Alice's room. As I was walking down the hall, I saw the girls who were with the bitch at McDonalds. I found out that they're in this school, and their bitch of a leader is too. Yay. They went into one of the rooms, and quickly shut the door.

I was answering messages from my family and some friends, when I got to my door. I was about to go in, but stopped when I heard voices behind the door. I stood there listening. One of the voices was Alice's but I couldn't hear who the other person was.

"Alice! I don't give a fuck if it's her birthday." I could hear someone walking around, and then Alice decided to speak. "I know you want revenge, but I seriously think you should think the plan through on more time. It's her birthday; you could let it wait till tomorrow."

"I don't care. I have already thought the plan through." "I just don't think it's the best plan, neither the right time. If you really want revenge should try to figure out what she's thinking about all the time, and hurt her through it." It was Alice who spoke, and I've never felt more betrayed. What a bitch..


Hey guys, please vote on beliebers on popcrush. Hope the chapter was okey :)

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