Calm Nights

113 6 2

Short fluff

Harry was watching the rain pour from the window. The soft sound of raindrops hitting the glass.

It was dark outside, kind of. Mostly grey, and wet.

For days now, it had been pouring nonstop. Harry wore a warm sweater that Molly had knitted, for Draco.

It smelled like him, a faint hint of vanilla, wood and the cologne he always used. Their bed was placed by the window, and Harry was staring outside wrapped inside a hurdle of blankets.

They had been together for 3 years now, although it felt like an eternity that they had known each other.

Harry's eyes grew heavy; due to his busy schedule at Hogwarts.

He wanted to work there, to spend time at his true home, although he had one with Draco.

He didn't want to leave Hogwarts with bad memories, he'd rather make new happy ones. Ones that he could think back on when he grew old.

Teaching defense against the dark arts wasn't that bad, he had a few years of experience, they had joked. Also a few trips to the quidditch pitch to play with the students was the usual.

Draco had become a healer.

It suits him, Harry thought. And it indeed did.

Today, he had taken a day off so he could spend time with his boyfriend. Now he was just waiting for him to return home.

The sound of the door knob twisting came from around the hallway.

"Draco?" Harry asked. "Yes, love?" A voice replied back. Harry couldn't help but smile when he heard him.

He heard the sound of robes being taken off and bags being put down.

Draco's head turned in, from around the corner. Harry signaled him straight into bed, and Draco followed with a smile.

"How was your day?" Draco mumbled holding Harry right to him.

"How was yours? I have only been at home," Harry stroked the blonde hair to the side. Draco's sharp features really captured you with a glance.

"Nothing special. Being here with you is my highlight of the day," Draco said and pulled the raven haired closer.

Harry would do anything to capture this moment forever.

Only if they had told each other their true feelings sooner.

"I love you," Harry said and closed his eyes.

"I love you too."

Drarry Oneshots Where stories live. Discover now