Chapter 28

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We started the trip to Malibu with some John Mayer, at Ross and I's request. But after fifteen minutes of his incredibly calming voice gracing our ears, Riker switched over to Maroon 5.

Frowning at my handsome, smirking boyfriend, I form a plot to get him to change it back to my music. Turning in my seat, I call out to Emma in the last row of seats, "Hey Em, isn't Adam Levine so sexy? I mean, his tattoos and his gorgeous hair, damn. Plus he can sing," sensing Riker's jealous rage, I press further, "You know I can just stare at him all day and not get bored." Everyone in the van looked at me with a confused, uncomfortable expression on their face, while in return, I smirked at them.

Knowing what I'm doing, Emma decides to join in, "Yeah, Adam Levine just has such a cool vibe coming off of him. We should get meet and greet tickets to Maroon 5's next show," I glanced at a seething Riker and motion my little sister to push further, "Meeting him would be a dream come true, he's just so ho-" Emma was cut off by Adam's voice coming to an abrupt stop as Riker ripped the AUX chord from his phone, and handed it back to me.

I smiled with a sense of triumph and plugged my phone in, playing Sublime just to switch it up. (A/N: check out sublime. It's one of my favorite bands)

After completing this, I turn to an irritated Riker and leaned over the center counsel, placing a gentle kiss on his cheek. Once I return to my seat, he reaches over and places his hand on my left thigh. He is visibly a lot calmer and looks happy again. I put my hand on top of his as he traces circles onto my tanned legs, giving me goosebumps.

Realizing we are blasting the cold AC in the van, I switch it off and roll down all the windows. I stick my Converse-clad feet out the window, resting my calves on the sill of the window. I grab Riker's hand, feeling the need of constant contact with my blonde babe.

I feel the wind whip through my hair, and I feel happiness. Happy for the fact it's summertime. Giddy that I'm here with my closest friends and sisters. Joyful we are going to be in the ocean in less than five minutes. But most of all, ecstatic to be spending time with Riker.

The thought of being with Riker swirls around me, tangling my body with an emotion I've never felt. It's scares me; but at the same time, it excites the shit out of me. It makes me feel warm, almost like I'm constantly wrapped in the best hug I've experienced.

Just as I'm coming to a conclusion of the mysterious emotion, I'm snapped from my thoughts as the passenger door is opened. Riker peers his head into the van, concern written on his face.

"Halle, are you alright? Everyone got out of the car already." I nod in response, knowing he already understands I was lost in thought. He reached for my hand, and helped me out of the car.

Once I'm standing in the sandy parking lot of the beach, Riker grabs both of our surf boards off of the top of the van, and takes my hand with his free one. "Riker, let me carry one. Holding two surfboards with one arm must be tiring." I plead, glancing at my board.

He shakes his head stubbornly and kisses the top of my head, continuing our walk to the beach. "I don't want my girl to have to carry anything." I smile to myself at his reply, loving that he called me his.

We approach everyone else in comfortable silence, as he rubs the back of my hand with his thumb. We arrived just as they finished setting everything up.

"Let's go surfing first." Ross stated, admiring the blue waves.

I quickly agreed before remembering my sisters can't surf. "Are you girls going to be okay on the beach? I'm sure later in the day the guys will teach you how to surf, after they get a couple waves in."

"They'll be fine, Hal. I'm staying on the beach too. I might take them to the boardwalk to go shopping after I tan." I nod to her with gratitude before sprinting off to the almost deserted ocean. This beach is almost always empty. It's a little cove so not many people know of it, but if you walk a mile to the South, you find a bustling boardwalk.

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