Chapter 13

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During the bus ride, us kids laughed and joked with each other. We are about 15 minutes from the venue.

"Riker can I talk to you for a second?" I ask, nodding in the direction of the bunks. He stands and takes my hands to help me off the ground. He interlaces our fingers, shooting tingles up my arm,as we head to the back of the bus.

"Whatcha need, babe?" he asks casually. His choice of words causes butterflies in my stomach. I look into his eyes and see a small glint in the beautiful, hazel color. I stare at him with desire. Gosh he's gorgeous.

"When are we gonna tell the R5Family? Y'know about us? I don't want them to rip my head off." I say, kinda worried.

He chuckled at my last comment. "They won't rip off your head. Some of them ship us anyways. Ever heard of Ralle?"

"You're right. But can we wait a little before we tell them? I'm not comfortable going public yet." I give Riker the puppy dog eyes.

"Anything for you, babygirl. Your happiness means everything to me." As he says this, making my heart soar, the bus comes to a stop. We must be at the venue. As we walk to the front of the bus, I notice the boys glaring at Riker, with suspicion and a hint of overprotection. I chuckle to myself, while walking off the bus and into the place.

I look around and notice I'm still holding Riker's hand. I blush and look down to hide my face. " You're cute when you blush." Rik states, making me blush harder. He quickly kisses my cheek before saying, "Listen babe, I have to do sound check. You can watch if you want or chill on the bus it'll only be an hour."

I nod and agree to watch the sound check from the empty seats, that were soon to be filled with screaming fans.

The hour goes by fast. The set list included songs from 'LOUDER' and 'Heart Made Up on You,' plus some covers and their early songs. Next thing I know, I'm sitting backstage, rocking along side with RyRy. Riker sneaks a glance at me and smirks as they start playing 'Fallin' for You,' signaling he was dedicating the song to me. This gesture makes me smile extremely wide. He makes me so happy.

"Alright guys, we're gonna take a break. See you in a few." I hear Ross say into the mic. They run off stage to grab some water. Riker runs up to me and holds his arms out. Despite how sweaty he is, I jump up and give him a huge hug.

"You guys are doing great! You're rocking Seattle's socks off." I exclaim happily. They all smile at me in return.

All of a sudden, I'm grabbed by my wrist and dragged into an empty hall. "How'd you like my song for you?" he eagerly questioned.

"I loved it!" I answered, looking up at him in result of our significant height difference. He pulls me into his chest, wrapping his arms around my waist. I respond quickly, linking my arms around his neck, playing with the ends of his blonde hair.

Once we pull back, I look into his gorgeous eyes and push him toward the others, saying, "Get out there, Lynch. Impress me with your bassist skills."

He smirked and leaned into my ear, whispering, "Bass players do it deeper." before running back onto the stage. 'Ew. What a perv.' I joked to myself.

The rest of the concert went over without a hitch, except when Rocky almost called Seattle LA. After the encore, the all filed off the stage with tired eyes. Tonight we are sleeping on the bus, while driving to Portland, Oregon. We all trudge to the bus, ready to relax.

"Who's bunk am I sleeping in tonight?" I inquire between everyone. I look around for an answer. Riker jumps up, raising his hand. He then picks me up, yells a goodnight to everyone, and runs to the beds. He flops me down on his, and lays down next to me.

"Tomorrow is Friday! Our first date." he excitedly reminds me.

With pleading eyes, I beg, "Can I please know where we're going? Just this once?"

He looks at me and smirks. I already know the answer. "Sorry, babygirl. You're just gonna have to wait and see."

A/N: I love each and everyone one of my readers. Thanks for reading!

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