Chapter 22

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3 weeks later

Picture is Riker's Instagram pic

We've finished the first month of the summer tour. We currently are suffering in the July sun at the one and only, New York City! Today we are just going around exploring the city.

As soon as I'm done getting ready, I heard a click of a camera. I spin around to see Riker, grinning at his phone. "And post." he smiles triumphantly.

I scramble to my phone that's charging in the outlet to see what he posted. I open up the Instagram app and see his post, first thing on my feed. It was a picture of me looking over my outfit in our hotel room. His comment said 'My girl.' and he tagged me. I look up to see him smiling at me. I double tap to like before running into his arms giving him a long passionate kiss. Pounding on the door made us pull away quickly.

"C'mon love birds, we wanna see things." Ratliff said from behind the door. Riker grabs the room key and shoves it in his wallet. I grab my phone off the charger and my purse as well. We open the door to see everyone waiting for us in the hall. They all shuffle to the elevator, but I drag Riker to the stairs. I'm way to impatient for elevators.

Once we reach the lobby, we sit on some couches waiting for the family to come out of one of the elevators. I turned my head when I heard a ding, and saw them all pile out. I laughed at the sight of seeing nine people crammed into the tiny elevator and walked over to them. I immediately do to the girls, and ask what they want to see today.

"Shopping!" They all replied at once causing us all to laugh. I wasn't that big of a shopper. I'll go when Rydel wants me to, but if I'd have the option I'd stay home. I then walk over to the boys, grabbing Riker's hand. He slowly intertwines our fingers while smiling at me through his sunglasses.

"RIK! Oh my god!" I say enthusiastically, bouncing a little.

"What?" He asks, chuckling at my behavior.

"We are wearing our matching sunglasses. Our black Ray Bands." I inform, wiggling the glasses with my free hand.

"What do you wanna do today, Princess?" He inquires, swinging our interlocked hands back and forth.

"Go to Toys R Us and ride the ferris wheel." I smile up at him as we round the corner. Oddly enough, the Toys R Us is right on this street.

"We're going to Toys R Us for the Ferris Wheel!" Riker announces to the rest of the group. Ratliff, Ross, Rydel, Rocky, and Alexa decide to tag along. We all walk into the store, headed straight for the Ferris wheel. Riker and I are the first to hop in a car.

"This is amazing. A Ferris wheel inside?" I state, looking around the store. Riker nudges me, making me glance up at him. He cups my cheeks and kisses me softly as we reach the very top. We pull away as our phones beep in sync. A twitter notification.

Rydelr5: awww my brother and halle💏. Attached was a picture of us kissing at the top of the Ferris wheel.

Since we went public last week, I didn't mind. I was surprised when Riker first tweeted out about our relationship how much support we had from the fans. #Ralle even trended for like an hour.

I was shaken from my thoughts as the ride stopped, and a teenage boy worker let us out. I didn't like the way he was looking at me, eyeing me up and down. Riker didn't either because he pulled me in front of him so the kid couldn't see me, and we walked away. Once we were away from him, Riker pulled me into a hug. "Ugh, perv." he commented on the kids actions making me smile about how protective he is of me.

I softly pulled Riker by the shirt into a short but sweet kiss. We pulled away as we heard footsteps come up to us. There, standing before us,was our little group.

One Vision || Riker LynchWhere stories live. Discover now