Just a little something

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Each day seems to get darker and darker. I am slowly losing myself. My depression is taking over me. I am just waiting for something to kill me. Waiting for the day I stop breathing. The day I don't have to wake up in hell. My life has been nothing but downhill. Yeah I guess it is my fault but I honestly don't know what to do with my life.I try and make people happy and I just make their life worse. I find people that make me happy I end up ruining it for myself. Because I am so stupid because I do stupid things. But this shows me that people don't deserve second chances and I should of never gave you one because you can't even do the same for me. I thought giving people chances was a nice thing but I was only killing myself slowly. I am the stupid one that falls for all theses traps. To fall for people that don't even feel the same. To break people hearts. To live life pretending I was happy when I am nothing but a sad and lonely fool. Live is never going to get any better for me. Because the person I am no one will fight for that. People make mistakes but only people that truly love me will get over my mistakes. But my mistakes won't be happening anymore. Because I am just going to end it all.

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