Annoying boy.

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⚠️ TW mention of suicide ⚠️
This is a story about a girl and a boy, and I am the narrator/author. Sorry if I mess up on some words I can't always correct everything but I'll try my hardest if something is miss-spelled or miss-typed pls bring it to my attention. I hope you enjoy the story :)

Anyway let me get to the story, it all starts here. Her name is Kyoko Izumi, she has long wavy/straight black hair with slight bangs covering her forehead and eyebrows, black eyes and dark red glossed lips, she also pale sort of looks like she's in the process of dying, kind of like the girl in that horror movie you know what I'm talking about, she is kinda short and skinny really bony, you can imagine how you want really, anyway I'll get to the story.

My name is Kyoko Izumi I am 18 and in class 3-c at PK academy. I am graduating this year hopefully. I don't like people I hate talking to them I hate even looking at them. I've always been this way, as long as I can remember, my parents hate me for it.

I hate school but the one who made it that way is my older sister she was so perfect. Mihara Izumi was her name, I say was because she is dead, she killed her self 4 months after she graduated high school, she hung her self in her room from her ceiling fan. I don't know why she did, she had everything she could ever want, I don't understand and I never will, maybe that's a good thing but who's to say. I don't want to be the way I am, I think why I act as I do is because I'm jealous of her but I rarely think that I hate to admit it myself.

After she died my mom and dad were so, I don't know how to explain it but they acted like they were more dead then she was. They are just gone, It's because she was there prized possession they were so proud of there perfect daughter, perfect grades, perfect friends, perfect hair , perfect smile, perfect personality, everything was perfect, so why, why would she do something so insolent. I think it's disgusting but what's it matter what I think. Anyway the only reason I act as I do is because of her, she set the bar so high and there's nothing more then I hate than being looked down on, so I guess that sucks for me.

I hate my life now, sometimes I think about killing myself too but I'm to pussy to actually go through with it. Because if I did do it, would my parents even care will anyone even notice will I be forgotten in an instant, and that is something I don't want to deal with so I will continue with what I got. I think I need something to ease my pain, somethings work like sleep but I have trouble falling asleep or maybe a person like a friend but that's kinda out of the picture obviously because look at me, no one wants a sad sack like me around, it's to draining to have me around.

Anyway I do love her I think, my sister I mean, but she didn't love me I don't think so, she would always torment me, hit me, all the duties of the older sister she was terrible to me and it was like she was a totally different person when with me, and everyone loved her without knowing the truth, I think that's what I hate the most. Everyone loving her so blindly.without knowing the truth. She would hurt me and I would go cry to my parents and they wouldn't believe me, go figure.


It's a weekend tomorrow that's what I dream for a break from everyone but my parents are still big annoyances though best to ignore them " Kyoko why are you always so depressed" " Kyoko you need to do better in school" " do your chores Kyoko".  "Why can't you be like your sister". God I hate everyone. But it's a weekday still, yay Friday.

I woke up got dressed and headed out to begin my walk to school I had to leave early because it was a long walk. Sometimes I wonder if I stop this depressed shit then i could be normal and happy but for right now I am mentally numb.

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