It's getting dark

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This is part three hope you like it ;)

Kyoko's P.O.V

" Alright we're here " I see this red and white blanket laying on the ground with a ton of food and flowers and candles. "oh my, what the, is this the thing you needed so desperately from me?" "yeah it is and you knew the whole time" "knew what?" "That it is a date" "how did you know I knew?" "From what you said your a really bad at lying haha your funny miss" "am I" "yes, and you might as well stay, you're already here so why not enjoy some food." We sit down on the extra part of the blanket "yeah alright but don't go thinking this is a date or anything" "well, that's exactly what this thing is, I know that you aren't to happy about it but please just give me a chance I promise I won't let you down, okay."

"Uh I don't know, I barely even know you and how do I know that you aren't just joking with me and making fun of me or your friends aren't around the corner laughing at me right now and..." he came closer to me and I didn't notice as I was focused on talking and he interrupts me by putting his index finger on the base of my chin and pulls me in close like before and I can feel his deep breath on my tongue just like before and my heart starts racing just like before he begins to talk as I am shifting my sight from his lips to his eyes he says to me in a calm yet aggressive manner "I don't know how you can be so oblivious, I thought I make my feelings clear but you still hesitate, why?" "I don't know what you mean" "I think you do" he backs off me and begins to unpack the food he brought "okay I don't know what you like so I brought kind of an assortment of different kinds so you can choose" I don't know how he can be so straight forward with everything he says and does, it's a mystery. I'm not gonna lie that food looks really good and I'm pretty hungry right now, I wouldn't mind eating a bit.


As we were eating it was pretty silent well at least for the first part and he breaks the silence by saying "are you enjoying your food so far" "yeah, it's good, did you cook all of this yourself?" "yes I did my parents weren't around much when I was younger so I had to cook a bit for me and my siblings, they were always working you know focusing on the important stuff." " yea I get it, sort of" "sort of? what do you mean " "well I mean like my parents always prioritize anything other then me, I don't know why but they do" "that sucks" he pauses for a moment "I am sorry to ask this I hope I'm not getting too personal but didn't you lose your sister to suicide a few years back?" "yeah I did it was awhile ago I don't really think about it to often, it hit my parents the worst you know, they cherished her more than their own lives, the were so proud of their perfect daughter, and they expected the same from me."
"wow yeah I bet that must be hard, my parents don't ever even think about me either it's work this or work that never focused on me I doubt they even know our birthdays" "yeah, you said you had siblings older or younger?" " uh younger, one sister and one brother, my brother he's 10 turns 11 in May, and my sister she's 6 she turns 7 in October " oh cool what are their names?" My sister name is Iwatoka and my brothers name is Nakamura" "cool are you close to them?" "Yea We're very close their like my best friends" what the heck why am I talking so familiar
With him

We went on talking for it seemed like just minutes but before we knew it the sun was already setting and we were done with our food awhile ago and I was surprised to know that he was quite funny as he almost made me smile a few times i covered my smirk with my hand as he spoke his nonsense.

I don't really think anyone has really made me want to smile like that before. We had switched topics to our school teachers and were talking about how weird our home room teacher was "yeah one time I saw him looking at Hashi's school picture on him computer and I asked him what he was doing and he just stared at me like I wasn't even there and he didn't care that I just caught him being an absolute perv"

I giggled at that because he tended to be quite a pervert at times. Hashi's one of the most adored by the boys, probably because her boobs are huge.
"Yeah, I wonder why Hashi doesn't have a boyfriend it would seem to be really easy because of those melons hanging out from her chest" he started laughing at my joke and I began to cover my mouth as well, his laughter seems to be contagious in a way "you are really funny no one has ever made me laugh like you have miss" "you really think that most people who know me say that I'm more stuck up and serious" "oh no, I think the opposite I'd say that you are most funny and not serious at all" "really that's weird" "yeah I bet it is, to you."

"Why do you say that" "well because you think you come off as the weird creepy girl no one wants to talk to but that's not true I've seen the real you or at least I think and it makes me fall for you even more then I have already. I think that you think you are gloomy and dark but I think that you are a ray of sunshine on a dark and stormy day kind of like a glimpse of hope in dark times, I think you are more light than dark miss and you just need to realize that for yourself."

"woah your like a poet " I giggle to change the subject I don't like talking about myself "not really" we both laugh. He seemed like he was serious could it be that he truly has feelings for me? Why would he say those things about me?

"Hey look at the sunset!" I stand up and run over to it and put my hands at the railing that was holding anything from toppling over the edge.

Ryuji's P.O.V

She stands up and runs to the railing I'm still sitting starring at her, she is so angelic standing there, she's so beautiful all of her. I stand up to go stand beside her and watch the sunset I come up to her "woah it looks soo pretty" the sky is covered with beautiful oranges and pinks and purples so perfect almost as perfect as her "yeah it is " I lean over and put my hand on the railing and it touches hers, she quickly apologized says "sorry I..." "I didn't do it on accident miss" and I take her warm hand and hold it tightly and pull her over to me she doesn't resist and falls into my arms and I hug her a slight sound comes from her mouth as she seems unsure about what I did, her head against my chest. She is so warm I don't ever wanna let go, ever.

Kyoko's P.O.V

His body it's so warm should I resist no, do I need to, what if it's him what if he can save me from this mess of a life. I didn't think this day would come, so what do I do resist or give in I don't know why I would resist but I think I should do what I want because I'm sick of doing or being what other people want me to be I just, I just want to be with him he makes me happy he makes me laugh, I get I feeling of calm when I see him a feeling of relief. But I just need time, I need to think, I have to leave ugh I don't want to. "I-I- I have to go" I push off of him and grab my bag and run "thanks for the food it was good I'll see you at school tomorrow!" I tell him running up the stairs. "Miss Izumi, where are you going" he says but I am already gone.

On my way home I couldn't help but tear up I don't know the reason it's just all the emotions I've never felt before I just im in denial of my feelings I know I am but I still can't admit it. I do feel guilty for leaving him there alone so suddenly but I'll speak with him tomorrow, that thought made me smile to myself.

I went to sleep that night mind empty except for him. I have to decide what I want to do about him do I like him or don't I I need to decide before it's to late. I will just keep things how they are now I won't do anything, for now.

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