chaopter-8 the annsweer

16 0 0

"wanna date" dream has asked

i didnf knwo what to say because of how shocked i was. then someone came in the cafe.

it was saajpnakp.

"hey dream whats up" spanao said

"also whos this emo chik 🤪😝" he said in a hot attractive corpse voice.

"uuh spanao.. this is george. idk if u still rmemeber him but it was the kid you broek up with in higsischool..." dream answered fewling kind of sad.

"oh.. well that was ages ago, george you can forgiev daddy nap right?? 😉"


dream Notfoudn🥺🤫🤪🤗😝🤭🙄🥰💞💞💞Where stories live. Discover now